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8 mars 2014 6 08 /03 /mars /2014 14:38

- L'antisémitisme de Dieudonné : le multiculturalisme en cause ? (Emission France Culture, 15 janvier, Audio 34mn) - "Caroline Broué reçoit Luc Ferry, philosophe et chroniqueur au Figaro, ancien ministre de l’Education nationale. Entretien avec Antoine Mercier et en compagnie de l'anthropologue Jean-Loup Amselle".

Gaza & Hamas

- Israël intercepte un navire venant d'Iran rempli de missiles, Cyrille Louis (Le Figaro) - «Jamais lors de ces interceptions on n'avait trouvé des armes aussi dangereuses».
   "L'armée israélienne a annoncé mercredi avoir intercepté, au large du Soudan, un bâtiment civil provenant d'Iran et transportant à son bord plusieurs dizaines de missiles sol-sol de moyenne portée. D'après le ministère de la Défense, ces armes fabriquées en Syrie devaient être convoyées vers la bande de Gaza à travers l'Égypte. [...]
    Selon le lieutenant-colonel Peter Lerner, porte-parole de l'armée israélienne, l'assaut a été conduit vers six heures du matin, à quelque 1500 kilomètres des côtes israéliennes, par l'unité de commando de marine Shayetet 13. L'ordre d'arraisonner a été donné par le premier ministre Benyamin Nétanyahou, qui a aussitôt rendu hommage à l'armée et au Mossad «pour la précision avec laquelle l'opération a été conduite».
    Les missiles M-302 découverts à bord, dissimulés sous des sacs de ciment iranien, étaient depuis plusieurs mois sous l'étroite surveillance des services secrets israéliens. Ils auraient été fabriqués à Damas avant d'être expédiés par avion à Téhéran. De là, ils auraient été convoyés vers le port de Bandar Abbas pour y être chargés à bord du KLOS C, un navire battant pavillon panaméen. Par souci, peut-être, de détourner les soupçons, l'embarcation aurait dans un premier temps fait route vers le port irakien de Umm al-Qasr, avant de mettre cap au sud pour contourner la péninsule arabique et gagner la mer Rouge. Dans les prochains jours, elle devait enfin jeter l'ancre à Port-Soudan et y décharger son inquiétant arsenal.
    Cette opération n'est certes pas la première du genre. En 2003, la Marine israélienne avait intercepté le «Karine A», qui transportait à son bord près de cinquante tonnes d'armes destinées à la bande de Gaza - missiles, mortiers, fusils et munitions. En 2009, cinq cents tonnes d'armement furent également découvertes à bord du «Francop», arraisonné au large de Chypre. En mars 2011, enfin, le «Victoria» avait été pris d'assaut près des côtes israéliennes avec d'importantes quantités de matériel militaire.
   «Jamais lors de ces interceptions on n'avait trouvé des armes aussi dangereuses», assure cependant le lieutenant-colonel Lerner, qui précise : «les missiles M-302, dans le modèle avancé découvert à bord, ont une portée de 200 kilomètres. Si elles avaient été livrées dans la bande de Gaza, elles auraient permis aux groupes terroristes d'atteindre l'ensemble du territoire israélien, de Nahariya au nord à Eilat au sud…» Le KLOS C, dont les cales étaient encore en cours d'inspection mercredi après-midi, transporterait également des armes plus légères.
    Cette découverte tombe à point nommé pour le gouvernement israélien, qui s'inquiète du rapprochement engagé ces derniers mois entre Téhéran et les grandes puissances occidentales. En voyage aux États-Unis, Benyamin Nétanyahou venait d'ailleurs d'inciter une énième fois son plus proche allié à ne pas baisser la garde sur le dossier du nucléaire lorsque l'arraisonnement a été rendu public. «Au moment même où il parle aux grandes puissances, où il sourit et leur dit tout un tas de mots mielleux, l'Iran envoie des armes létales aux organisations terroristes», a commenté le premier ministre israélien. «Voici le véritable Iran et il n'est pas acceptable que cet État possède des armes nucléaires.» [...]"

- WATCH: IDF raid Gaza-bound Iranian arms shipment (Ynet) - "See elite navy unit conduct impressive raid on ship carrying advanced missiles from Iran to Gaza".
- How Israel avoided another Marmara-style media debacle, Gili Cohen (Haaretz) - "IDF Spokesperson's team worked with naval forces to document the takeover of Gaza-bound ship carrying Iranian missiles".
- Defense minister: Navy operation averted threat to millions (Times of Israel) - "Intercepted arms shipment shows Iran’s true face as No. 1 exporter of terror, top officials say".
- 'We stop Iranian arms smuggling often,' says Israeli security source (JP) - "Iran "will investigate how it was exposed, will stop smuggling to Gaza for months" after exposure, source adds".
- Rockets on Iran weapons ship weren't meant for Hamas (Ynet) - "Once-powerful Hamas has alienated Tehran and Damascus by backing the Syrian rebels, and has fallen from grace in Egypt. In other words, the intended recipients of the missiles was Islamic Jihad, a terrorist group closely tied to Iran".
- The Islamist war for Gaza, Avi Issacharoff (Times of Israel) - "The ‘Klos-C’ arms shipment was meant to strengthen Islamic Jihad against Hamas, and could have dragged Gaza into war with Israel at Iran’s command".
- Iran's attempt to evade Iron Dome failed, Ron Ben-Yishai (Ynet) - "Iranian arms smuggling was likely aimed at preparing ground for response to attack on Tehran's nuclear facilities. Question remains whether weapons were meant to reach Gaza groups or Sinai terrorists. Admirable intelligence move spared Israel the answer".
- Israel hopes missile-ship intercept will expose Iran (Times of Israel) - "The capture of the Karine-A arms ship in 2002 prompted Bush to get tough on Arafat and Tehran; Jerusalem considers the Klos-C a similar smoking gun".
- US says 'still appropriate' to pursue nuclear deal despite Iran arms shipment (JP) - "White House spokesman says talks to continue, but US "will continue to stand up to Iran's support for destabilizing activities in the region"."

- Rockets from Gaza fired toward southern Israel, no injuries (JP) - "Palestinian terrorists in the Gaza Strip attempted to fire multiple rockets toward southern Israel Wednesday night. The Code Red rocket alert siren sounded in Sderot and surrounding communities around midnight".

- Manifestation à Gaza contre l'interdiction du Hamas en Egypte (Reuters) - "Plusieurs centaines de partisans du Hamas ont manifesté vendredi dans la bande de Gaza contre l'interdiction des activités du mouvement palestinien en Egypte. En vertu de l'arrêt rendu mardi par un tribunal local, le Hamas ne peut plus opérer en Egypte et ses représentations doivent être fermées".

- Egypt to revoke citizenship of nearly 14,000 Palestinians affiliated with Hamas (JP) - "Egyptian security services began investigating Palestinians in order to revoke their Egyptian citizenship that was granted during the reign of former president Mohamed Morsi".
- ‘Cairo to strip thousands of Palestinians of citizenship’ (Times of Israel) - "Egyptian security has begun investigating alleged Hamas supporters living in the country, report says".
- Egypt may revoke citizenship of 13,000 Palestinians (Elder of Ziyon) - "While idiots loudly proclaim that if Israel is recognized by the PLO as a Jewish state then Israel would revoke the rights of Palestinian Arab citizens to live there, Egypt is considering doing exactly that today! This proves once again that Palestinian Arabs - even those in the territories - are treated better under Israeli rule than they are under Arab rule. This news follows Jordan also revoking citizenship of many of its Palestinian Arab citizens a couple of years ago".


- La police anti-émeute palestinienne se féminise, Imad Abou Soumboul (AFP) - "La police anti-émeute palestinienne se féminise, en réaction au conservatisme de la société" ; "Malgré ces signes de progrès, le taux de participation des femmes à la population active palestinienne reste très bas, à 17,3%, contre 69,3% pour les hommes" ; "L'année 2013 a en outre été marquée par une grave augmentation des meurtres de Palestiniennes, avec un total de 27 (15 en Cisjordanie et 12 dans la bande de Gaza) contre 13 en 2012 [...]. Parmi elles, certaines sont victimes de crimes dits "d'honneur" commis par des membres de leur propre famille".

"Processus de paix"

- PA: 'Grave mistake' for Abbas to accept unsatisfactory deal, Khaled Abu Toameh (JP) - "Ahead of Obama-Abbas meeting, Palestinian Authority pressures Abbas not to accept an agreement that would not satisfy majority of Palestinians".
   "Palestinian officials in Ramallah on Thursday expressed fear that US President Barack Obama would exert heavy pressure on PA President Mahmoud Abbas to accept a US-sponsored framework agreement with Israel. Abbas is scheduled to meet with Obama in Washington on March 17. The officials said that it would be a "grave mistake" to force Abbas to accept any agreement that does not satisfy a majority of Palestinians. [...]
    Although the Palestinians are opposed to the extension of the talks beyond April 30, "they are convinced that they have no real choice but to continue with the negotiations if they want to avoid being blamed for the failure of the peace process," the paper reported. "Obama doesn't realize that there's a limit to how far Abbas can go in making concessions," said a PA official in Ramallah.
    Mohamed Shtayyeh, member of the Fatah Central Committee, accused Israel of working to thwart Kerry's efforts to achieve peace in the region. Shtayyeh said that Israel's refusal to comply with Palestinian demands on final status issues like Jerusalem, refugees, borders and settlements remains the main obstacle to reaching an agreement.
    Another top Fatah official, Nabil Sha'ath, reiterated the Palestinians' refusal to recognize Israel as a Jewish state and accused Washington of "bias" in favor of Israel. Sha'ath claimed that the US Administration has "endorsed" the Israeli perspective on the continued presence of IDF troops and settlement blocs in parts of the West Bank. He also accused the US of seeking to "abolish" the "right of return" for Palestinian refugees.
    Sabri Saidam, a senior advisor to Abbas, warned that Israel was preparing to blame the Palestinians for the failure of the peace talks. He said that he did not rule out the possibility that Israel would seek to isolate Abbas and the PA leadership in the send tanks to Ramallah to destroy the Mukata presidential compound."
- Abbas: 'No way' for recognition of Israel as Jewish state (AP) - "PA President adamantly refuses to acknowledge Israel's core request, says he stood up against US pressure in past and can do so again".

- Abbas aide: Extension of Mideast talks unlikely (AP) - "Mohammed Ishtayeh warns ‘gap is growing’ in negotiations, says PA cannot recognize Israel as a Jewish state".
- Liberman to Abbas: Israel will not accept more conditions to continue talks (JP)
   "Israel will not accept any conditions for a continuation of talks with the Palestinians, foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman said Wednesday, rejecting new Palestinian demands that Israel freeze settlement construction and release more Palestinian prisoners in order to continue negotiations past their late April deadline. "There will be no conditions," Liberman said Wednesday at a meeting in Tel Aviv of the Institute of Certified Public Accountants in Israel. "We are willing to listen and to talk, but we will not accept conditions. Those who want to set conditions should look for other partners," he said. [...] "Giving in to conditions has never helped in the past," Liberman said. "It is important to remember history, people try to deny history." [...]"

- Netanyahu: Some settlements won’t be retained by Israel (Times of Israel)
   "Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu acknowledged that some West Bank settlements would not come under Israeli sovereignty should there be a final peace deal with the Palestinians. “Of course some of the settlements won’t be part of the deal, everyone understands that,” he said when he sat down for his first interviews with the Israeli media in over a year. “I will make sure that [number] is as limited as possible, if we get there,” the prime minister added to Udi Segal of Israel’s Channel 2 News.
    During the interview, which airs in its entirety on Saturday night, Netanyahu repeatedly stated that he plans to leave no Israeli without Israeli protection in any potential peace deal, referring indirectly to one of the main issues of contention with the Palestinians, who demand for their state a West Bank that is IDF-free. In an interview with Channel 10, Netanyahu said he “hasn’t offered” a settlement freeze in a bid to advance negotiations, but didn’t quite rule one out. He recalled that he froze settlement expansion in 2009-2010, and that this did not yield a diplomatic breakthrough. [...]"

- Fact Check: Netanyahu Did Not Invent Expectation of Recognition of Jewish State (CAMERA) - "As Tablet Magazine recently pointed out, the expectation that Palestinians would reciprocate Israeli recognition of a Palestinian state by recognizing a Jewish state is hardly new".

- What the Guardian won’t report: West Bank settlement building has DECLINED under Bibi (CiF Watch) - "construction for the nearly five years Netanyahu has been prime minister shows a decrease from the previous four years when Ehud Olmert and Ariel Sharon were in power. [...] So, under Netanyahu, there has been a nearly 20% decline in West Bank construction in comparison to the five years before he became prime minister. [...] Construction decreased dramatically after Bibi agreed to a 10-month construction freeze (beginning in late 2009), but the rate of building still remained low in the 2 1/2 years after the freeze ended – and only increased significantly in 2013".
- "Settlements" Not an Obstacle to Peace (CAMERA) - "Imagine a deal is negotiated and a border is established somewhere. Put it anywhere. Put it on the 1949 armistice line. Put it right through the middle of Ma’ale Adumim, if you want. Then some new Israeli towns will be on the Israeli side of the border and some will be on the Palestinian side. So what? What is the problem with that? “Settlements” are only an obstacle if you accept that no Jews can live in a Palestinian state; that Palestine must be, as the Nazis wanted Europe to be, Judenrein (Jew-free). Twenty percent of Israelis are not Jewish – most of them Arabs – yet zero percent of Palestinians can be Jewish? That would be crazy".

- Terrorist who planned murder of Israeli minister Ze'evi honored by PA (PMW)
   "Despite the ongoing peace talks between Israel and the Palestinian Authority, PA leaders persist in their glorification of killers of Israeli civilians. Recently, the PA's Ministry of Prisoners' Affairs chose to honor the families of several terrorists imprisoned in Israel "out of appreciation for their heroic sacrifice." Among the terrorists honored at the ceremony were Ahed Abu Gholmeh, who is serving a life sentence for planning the murder of Israeli Minister of Tourism Rehavam Ze'evi ("Ghandi") in 2001, and Ahmad Sa'adat, who is serving a 30-year sentence for heading the PFLP terror organization. A song played at a PFLP event praised Sa'adat for planning the murder of the Israeli minister, but he has not been tried for this crime. [...]"


- Retour sur une photo : la double peine des Palestiniens de Damas, Charlotte Loris-Rodionoff (Rue89) - "il existe un profond non-dit autour de la situation des réfugiés palestiniens qui vivent sans aucune citoyenneté et bien souvent sans aucun droit et avenir dans les pays arabes".
   "[...] il existe un profond non-dit autour de la situation des réfugiés palestiniens qui vivent sans aucune citoyenneté et bien souvent sans aucun droit et avenir dans les pays arabes. Au Liban, les camps de réfugiés palestiniens sont pour la plupart à l’extérieur des agglomérations et leur accès est drastiquement contrôlé par l’armée libanaise.
    En outre, les réfugiés palestiniens n’ont pas le droit d’exercer une liste de plus de 70 métiers. Autant dire qu’ils sont délibérément et violemment maintenus dans ce statut de réfugié, de citoyen sans droit : ils n’ont ni horizon, ni avenir, ni même espoir. Ils sont reclus et marginalisés dans des îlots de pauvreté, comme le montre brillamment le documentaire « A World Not Ours » (M. Fleifel, 2012). [...]
    Ces hommes, ces femmes et ces enfants que l’on voit dans cette marée humaine sont donc des réfugiés palestiniens : des hommes, des femmes et des enfants que la communauté internationale considère comme réfugiés depuis presque 70 ans, sans chercher à trouver de solution concrète les concernant. [...]"
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