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22 avril 2015 3 22 /04 /avril /2015 10:21


- «Moi professeur» et les lycéens qui ne sont pas Charlie, Pascal Bories (Causeur) - « Quand Dieudonné a dit du mal des juifs, direct il a été attaqué en justice. Combien de fois ils ont dit du mal de l’islam et personne n’a rien dit. »
"Dans un surréaliste exercice de transformisme, François Hollande a revêtu le costume du prof de lycée pour dialoguer avec cinq lycéens de Thiais (Val-de-Marne), dimanche lors de l’émission « Le Supplément » sur Canal+. Un échange aux allures de télé-réalité, centré sur le polémiste Dieudonné et les juifs.
Décrétée « priorité » du quinquennat, la jeunesse était au centre des débats dimanche sur Canal+. Suivis une semaine durant par la chaîne, qui les montre notamment en train de débattre de l’attentat contre Charlie Hebdo et de la liberté d’expression, les cinq lycéens ont pris place, en fin d’émission, autour du chef de l’État.
Dans le reportage diffusé avant leur entrée en plateau, une lycéenne expliquait son refus d’être Charlie : « Quand Dieudonné a dit du mal des juifs, direct il a été attaqué en justice. Combien de fois ils ont dit du mal de l’islam et personne n’a rien dit. » Visiblement, pour elle, l’assassinat de 17 personnes n’est donc « rien » comparé à une amende, et les frères Kouachi ne sont « personne »… L’enseignement des poids et mesures laisserait-il à désirer ? Un autre balance : « C’est gros, quand même, le coup de la carte d’identité. Moi je pense que c’est un complot, c’est des gens qui veulent pas du musulman en France qui font ça. » [...]
Outre les « trucs à régler » comme « le chômage », rapidement évacués en fin de séquence, la conversation en plateau avec le président a donc quasi exclusivement tourné autour de trois sujets : les religions, les juifs et Dieudonné.
- Un lycéen pose d’emblée la question qui tue : « Doit-on se cacher de rire de Dieudonné ? Doit-on avoir honte d’aimer les spectacles de Dieudonné ? »
- M. Hollande : « On doit réfléchir. Ceux qui y vont rient. Mais qu’est-ce qui fait que l’on rit de ça ? »
- « Parce que c’est marrant…, répond du tac-au-tac Nadia, qui se dit musulmane. Chacun a son opinion. Je vais faire une blague, ça va pas faire rire tout le monde, ça va faire rire certaines personnes et pas d’autres »
- « Quand il se déguise en nazi et qu’il dit qu’il faut tuer des juifs, c’est drôle ? »
- « C’est qu’une blague »,
rétorque Nadia. « C’est un personnage », précise Yacine. Et au sujet d’un autre de leurs camarades, qui s’était fait une moustache à la Hitler en cours d’Allemand, il avance : « Il se moque d’Hitler, il ne se moque pas des juifs. »
- « S’il se moquait d’Hitler, ce ne serait pas un problème. S’il se moque des juifs qui justement ont échappé aux camps de la mort ou qui sont morts dans ces chambres à gaz, là, c’est une apologie de la haine »,
recadre le chef de l’État qui croit qu’on parle encore de Dieudonné. Puis il rappelle qu’« il n’y a pas eu que le génocide des juifs » et évoque le génocide arménien de 1915. Nadia grimace…
- « Mais on parle plus des juifs », assure-t-elle, visiblement chiffonnée.
- « On en parle parce qu’il y a eu six millions » de morts, explique le professeur-président.
- « Une mort, ça reste une mort », objecte Yacine. Nadia renchérit : « Qu’il y en ait un ou cent qui meurent, c’est pareil. »
- « Ce n’est pas pareil. Qu’est-ce que c’était que la Solution finale ? De les tuer tous, de les exterminer, de faire qu’il n’en reste plus un, qu’on ne puisse même pas trouver leurs cadavres, qu’on élimine une partie de l’humanité. C’est ça qui était en cause. C’est pour cela qu’on soit juif, chrétien, musulman ou rien du tout, on doit avoir ce respect par rapport à ce qui s’est produit. »
S’ensuit un débat sur l’enseignement de l’histoire des religions à l’école. Nadia regrette qu’« on étudie le judaïsme à travers les conflits ». Et Lucie admet : « Le judaïsme, je ne me souviens plus du tout de mon cours ». Dès le reportage dans leur lycée, un autre avait déjà confié : « On parle surtout des conflits entre les religions, on n’apprend pas leur histoire, on n’essaie pas de les comprendre. » [...]"


Gaza & Hamas

- La question des fonctionnaires continue de diviser l'Autorité palestinienne et le Hamas (AFP) - "une pomme de discorde subsiste et a jusqu'ici empêché une traduction concrète de la réconciliation sur le terrain : le Hamas exige que le gouvernement règle les salaires des 50 000 fonctionnaires qu'il a recrutés depuis sa prise de pouvoir par la force en 2007 pour remplacer les 70 000 employés de l'Autorité palestinienne qui, eux, continuent à percevoir leur salaire".


"Processus de paix"

- "There were between one and two million Jewish victims" of the Holocaust, says official PA daily (PMW)
"On the occasion of the Israeli remembrance day for the victims of the Holocaust last week, a regular columnist in the official Palestinian Authority daily wrote an op-ed in which he recognized the fact that the Holocaust occurred and targeted Jews. But although the writer even called it "a catastrophe," he reiterated false statements that have long been part of PA policy regarding the Holocaust, minimizing its scope and blaming the Zionist movement for participating in evil.
The PA daily repeated the claim that Jews have exaggerated the number of victims and that it was not 6 million Jews who were murdered in the Holocaust, but only "between one and two million": "Estimates regarding the number of Holocaust victims differ. The supporters of the Zionist movement have exaggerated the number of victims, claiming that it amounts to 6 million, whereas others, unbiased researchers, have estimated that there were between one and two million Jewish victims." [Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, April 18, 2015]
The writer hinted to an oft-repeated accusation that Jews were themselves at fault because their non-Jewish fellow citizens wanted to be rid of them due to the inherent Jewish evil: "Regardless of the number, the bottom line is that a catastrophe that harmed the Jews in Europe occurred, due to matters concerning the relations between the European nations and the Jews living among them."
The writer also repeated the claim that Zionists wanted "to increase the Jews' suffering" in the Holocaust in order to blackmail Europe into supporting Israel - "the Zionist colonialist project", to further Jewish immigration to Israel and to create more "compassion" for the Jews: "The Zionist movement wanted to achieve a series of goals: First, to take advantage and use this [the Holocaust] to blackmail the European states financially and politically to make them support the Zionist colonialist project. Second, to bully the Jews to immigrate to the Israeli ethnic cleansing state, which was [then] in in the preparatory stages of establishment. Third, to increase the Jews' suffering and abuse in order to take advantage of the world's compassion for them." [...]"

- Plan franco-britannique à l'Onu sur le conflit israélo-palestinien (Reuters) - ""J'espère que nos partenaires qui étaient réticents ne le seront plus", déclarait alors Laurent Fabius, faisant allusion aux Etats-Unis. S'exprimant dix jours après la réélection de Benjamin Netanyahu aux législatives en Israël, le chef de la diplomatie française estimait qu'il appartenait au Conseil de sécurité de travailler sur les "paramètres" d'un accord de paix". Et l'ambassadeur de France à l'Onu, François Delattre, accuse naturellement l'Etat juif d'être la cause première et principale de l'absence de progrès sur ce terrain (du fait de "la poursuite de la colonisation illégale").



- Yémen : 28 civils tués après des raids sur Sanaa (AFP) - ""Ces bombardements ont eu lieu sans alerte au préalable, en violation directe du droit international humanitaire", a déploré l'ONG Action contre la faim (ACF), dont les bureaux ont été endommagés".
- HRW again gives benefit of doubt to Saudis for airstrikes on civilians (Elder of Ziyon) - "Here is another example of the differences between the wording of a recent HRW report on a Saudi airstrike in Yemen versus a similar report from last July about an Israeli airstrike in Gaza. Note how HRW is bending over backwards to not directly accuse the Saudis of doing anything illegal, only suggesting that there might be problems and asking for an impartial investigation, while noting that the Houthis are placing military targets near civilian structures. As opposed to Israel where they immediately accuse the IDF of violating the laws of war, purposeful targeting of civilians for no reason, and including sarcasm about Israel's "precision" strikes"; "There is another difference. The dead Yemenis are not even worth naming in HRW's dispatch, but HRW went into details of the lives of the victims of Israeli airstrikes, humanizing them".

- Iran-Saudi naval showdown looms as world's double standards crystallize (Elder of Ziyon) - "At any rate, Saudi Arabia is enforcing a real blockade against Yemen and there is a real humanitarian crisis there"; "Yemen has 10 times the population of Gaza, and probably less than one percent of the news coverage that Gaza had last summer - despite Saudi airstrikes that have killed hundreds of civilians, a Saudi blockade that is keeping out nearly all food, and even Saudi bombings of supplies of aid, as it did yesterday".

- Palestinian killed in Saudi bombing that damaged PLO embassy in Sanaa (Elder of Ziyon) - "Some 700 Palestinian students study in Yemen; 500 of them have left through Oman. There are also some 59 Gazans in Yemen, according to the ambassador".



- Major Iranian news outlets publish updated antisemitic blood libel (Elder of Ziyon) - "Over the past two weeks, many Iranian websites have reproduced a long article accusing Jews of murdering gentile children in their synagogues, draining their blood and mixing it in their matzoh for Passover. Perhaps the most prominent site was news site Alef, under the title "What group has been the biggest criminals in the history of mankind?" The article includes the most grotesque artwork of Jews as murderers, both medieval and modern"; "Most of the comments are virulently antisemitic as well. Nothing gets published in Iranian websites without permission of the government, and this is a clear and conscious decision to promote Jew-hatred in Iran. Antisemitism is official Iranian policy. Westerners who had guided tours of Iran and then claim that Iran has no antisemitism, like Roger Cohen, are once again shown to be useful idiots".



- European boycott (Jerusalem Post editorial) - "Using economic boycotts to punish and ultimately close down Jewish businesses located in Judea, Samaria and east Jerusalem works under the assumption that only by making the entire West Bank judenrein can there be peace".
"Last week, the foreign ministers of 16 European countries sent a letter to EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini asking her to promote the labeling of products made by Jewish-owned industries located beyond the 1949 armistice line. Such labeling would make it easier for Europeans to boycott these products.
There are a number of problems with boycotts that single out Israel for special condemnation. And these boycotts are all the more problematic when they are proposed by countries struggling to contain rampant anti-Semitism threatening the contiguity of ancient European Jewish communities.
Boycotts of Israel tend to be inherently bigoted. Singling out a country for unique condemnation on the basis of a fault that is widespread is nothing less than bigotry. Adopting a measure that seeks to boycott Jewish businesses located in Judea, Samaria and parts of Jerusalem that came under Israeli control during the Six Day War while intentionally ignoring far more oppressive occupations (such as those instituted by China, Russia and Turkey) is unfair.
That European countries’ foreign ministers chose to do this at a time when European Jews are regularly intimidated – and on occasion massacred – on the streets of major European cities for the purported “crimes” perpetrated by Israel against the Palestinian people is downright reprehensible.
What could have been going through the minds of the foreign ministers of countries such as France and Belgium, two of the signatories of the letter? Both are countries that were recently the scenes of murderously anti-Semitic terrorist attacks. Both are grappling with large Muslim populations that include many who deny the very existence of the State of Israel.
Further compounding the impact of the letter’s nastiness is the fact that it was publicized as Israel was commemorating Holocaust Remembrance Day.
The 16 EU foreign ministers who signed the letter must recognize that Israel did not choose to occupy another people. If they are familiar with even the most basic history of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, they know how the territories beyond the Green Line came under Israeli control. Egypt, Syria and Jordan instigated a war with Israel and then lost miserably. Land that had been occupied by Jordan then fell into Israel’s hands.
On numerous occasions, Israel tried to reach a territorial compromise – first with the Jordanians and later with the Palestinians – which would meet Israel’s basic security needs as a lone democracy surrounded by antagonistic Muslim autocracies while providing Palestinians with political autonomy. Blame for the failure to negotiate a peace deal is at least as much about Palestinian intransigence as it is about Israelis’ unwillingness to take risks.
European foreign ministers, who are acquainted with the challenges of balancing human rights with security needs – particularly in the wake of 2004 Madrid train bombings, the July 7, 2005, London public transport bombings, the 2012 Toulouse and Montauban shootings and the January 2015 Charlie Hebdo and Hyper Cacher massacres, must understand that Israel cannot simply lift movement restrictions placed on Palestinians living in the West Bank as long as Hamas and Islamic Jihad operate in the area and the Palestinian Authority continues to glorify terrorists.
Using economic boycotts to punish and ultimately close down Jewish businesses located in Judea, Samaria and east Jerusalem also works under the assumption that only by making the entire West Bank judenrein can there be peace. These boycotts ignore the extensive economic cooperation that exists between Palestinians and Israelis.
Large proportions of Palestinians living in the West Bank are interested in various forms of cooperation with Israel, including economic. In a survey conducted in 2011 by pollster Geocartography Knowledge, 85 percent of respondents said they were interested in cooperation with Israel. Jewish businesses in Judea and Samaria and east Jerusalem employ tens of thousands of Palestinians. [...]"

- Amnesty International votes against resolution condemning antisemitism (Elder of Ziyon) - "Amnesty International has rejected a motion to tackle the rise in antisemitic attacks in Britain at its annual conference".

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