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31 juillet 2015 5 31 /07 /juillet /2015 22:03


- En Israël, 70 % de l’eau consommée par les ménages vient de la mer, Marie de Vergès (Le Monde) - "Le dessalement est l’une des recettes ayant permis à Israël de surmonter le stress hydrique auquel semblait le condamner son climat semi-désertique. Sous l’impulsion du gouvernement, quatre usines ont été ouvertes durant la dernière décennie. Une cinquième doit être mise en service d’ici à la fin 2015. Ensemble, elles produiront 70 % de l’eau consommée par les ménages israéliens" ; "Israël a aussi mis l’accent sur le recyclage et la réutilisation des eaux usées. Une pratique dont il est le leader mondial incontesté : aujourd’hui, 86 % de ses effluents sont traités contre 19 % en Espagne, qui arrive en deuxième position. L’eau sortie des stations d’épuration couvre les deux tiers des besoins des agriculteurs" ; "Pour certains, l’avance israélienne sera vraiment un succès si elle permet de changer la donne géostratégique dans un Moyen-Orient miné par le déficit d’eau".

- Why is Muslim harassment of Jews on the Temple Mount increasing? (JP) - "wait times for Jews to ascend via Mugrabi Gate have grown exponentially, while non-Jewish visitors enjoy speedy service"; “You cannot be a Jew at Judaism’s holiest site. You must be an unidentified tourist.”
"The problem of intimidation of Jews at the holiest site to Jews has reached a critical stage in the last several years, Arnon Segal, secretary of the Temple Mount Faithful group, said on Wednesday.
“Over the past two to three years, we saw men first sitting in circles studying the Koran, and then, sooner than later, they sat on pathways designated for Jewish visitors, so they couldn’t walk,” he said. “Then the women got up and followed us around, screaming and yelling ‘Allahu akbar!’ The police will not push and shove them like they will the men, which is why women frequently lead the mobs.”
The Jordanian government pays between 300 and 500 Muslim women and unemployed men to harass Jews, Segal claimed. The Islamic Movement’s northern branch, based in Umm el-Fahm, compensates 150 additional provocateurs, he said. While Segal acknowledged that several Muslims with long histories of stirring trouble on the Mount have been barred from entering it for up to three months, he said that harassment of Jews there has continued to grow.
“What happens now is that when we exit the Chain Gate, they follow us out, screaming and yelling,” he said. “Last Thursday’s yelling at the woman who was later arrested for saying ‘Muhammad is a pig’ was not on the Temple Mount, but in the Muslim Quarter. So, not only are they on the Temple Mount, but they are following Jews outside to the Muslim Quarter as well,” he said.
Segal said the most practical solution, an idea he raised nine months ago at a meeting with the Knesset’s Internal Affairs and Environment Committee, is for police to enforce a policy that restricts Muslim mobs from coming within 20 meters of Jewish visitors to the Mount. “You want to protest against Jews?” he asked. “Fine, [but] do so at a safe distance.”
The central problem, Segal asserted, is that while Jews are told by Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu that there is a status quo – and that it cannot be altered – facts on the ground tell a different story. “The Arabs are altering that status quo from month to month, and year to year,” he said. “More and more, Jewish visitation is being limited during Ramadan, as well as additional closings due to security threats.”
Segal said that wait times for Jews to ascend via Mugrabi Gate have grown exponentially, while non-Jewish visitors enjoy speedy service. “The best solution is to give them [non-Jews] 90 percent of the place for visits. I’d be satisfied with 90 minutes to two hours a day in a far corner to pray and be a Jew,” he said. “You cannot be a Jew at Judaism’s holiest site. You must be an unidentified tourist,” he said. [...]"


Gaza & Hamas

- Guerre de Gaza : Amnesty accuse Israël de "crimes de guerre" (AFP) - "Le rapport "Black Friday : carnage à Rafah" se fonde sur "des centaines de photos et de vidéos, des images satellite et les témoignages de personnes ayant assisté aux événements", qui retracent le cours des attaques qui ont débuté le 1er août à Rafah" ; "De nouvelles preuves montrent que les forces israéliennes ont perpétré des crimes de guerre en représailles à la capture d'un soldat (...) Le caractère systématique et apparemment délibéré des attaques aériennes et terrestres sur Rafah qui ont tué au moins 135 civils [chiffres fantaisistes, même Breaking the Silence ne dit pas cela] pourraient également constituer un crime contre l'humanité", accuse l'ONG dans un rapport publié avec l'équipe de recherche londonienne Forensic Architecture".

- Israël réagit au rapport d’Amnesty International (Times of Israel) - "Une fois de plus, Amnesty a montré son obsession invétérée envers Israël".
"[...] « Quand on lit le rapport, on a l’impression que l’armée israélienne se battait contre elle-même – puisqu il n’y a pratiquement aucune mention des actions militaires du Hamas et d’autres organisations terroristes palestiniennes. Malgré tous les liens et les vidéos, Amnesty ne décrit nulle part la stratégie odieuse de ces organisations terroristes d’incruster leurs opérations militaires au sein de l’environnement civil, et de tirer sur l’armée israélienne et sur la population civile d’Israël derrière la population civile.
En outre, Amnesty construit un récit faux – affirmant que quatre jours d’opérations militaires menées par l’armée israélienne étaient en réaction directe à l’enlèvement et à l’assassinatd’un soldat de Tsahal. Il semble qu’Amnesty ait oublié qu’il y avait un conflit en cours – au cours duquel l’armée israélienne œuvrait pour arrêter les tirs de roquettes et pour neutraliser les tunnels d’assaut transfrontaliers, et les organisations terroristes palestiniennes étaient activement engagées dans un conflit intense contre Tsahal au milieu d’un environnement civil. Un combat intensif a eu lieu à Rafah tout au long du conflit, et les dates sur lesquelles Amnesty se concentre ne font pas exception.
La méthodologie sur laquelle le rapport est basé est aussi fondamentalement viciée, et met sérieusement en question les normes professionnelles d’Amnesty. Des accusations entières sont basées sur les témoignages non corroborés de Palestiniens et de travailleurs « de terrain » non identifiés, sans tenir compte des biais potentiels ou de la contrainte par les autorités du Hamas, ou tout simplement du fait que des individus pris au milieu des combats sont limités dans leur capacité à en connaître les raisons, les méthodologies et les intentions des parties belligérantes.
En revanche, un rapport officiel rédigé et publié par le gouvernement d’Israël concernant le conflit de Gaza en 2014 (www.protectiveedge.gov.il) n’est mentionné qu’en passant, et ne pèse pas du tout dans les conclusions d’Amnesty International concernant le comportement de l’armée israélienne.
Le rapport met également en évidence qu’Amnesty a une mauvaise compréhension du droit international. Amnesty prétend que l’armée israélienne a pour politique de recourir à la force aveugle et disproportionnée, une conclusion qu’il base sur les résultats tragiques de victimes civiles. Pourtant, une telle conclusion ne se fonde pas sur le droit international et reflète simplement le parti pris politique d’Amnesty envers Israël.
En outre, Amnesty renforce ses allégations sur la base de présumés comptes-rendus anonymes de soldats de bas rang de Tsahal – comptes-rendus qui peuvent difficilement être utilisés pour tirer des conclusions sur la politique de l’armée israélienne.
Contrairement aux affirmations d’Amnesty, l’armée israélienne – en tant qu’armée d’un Etat démocratique attaché à la primauté du droit – mène toutes ses activités conformément au droit international. Là où des allégations de mauvais comportement se posent, l’armée israélienne maintient un mécanisme robuste, efficace et approfondi pour les traiter. Les incidents survenus à Rafah au cours de la période couverte par le rapport sont en cours d’examen par le Mécanisme d’Evaluation des Faits de l’état-major de Tsahal, et leurs conclusions seront utilisées par le parquet militaire pour décider s’il y a lieu d’ouvrir une enquête criminelle.
Une fois de plus, Amnesty a montré son obsession invétérée envers Israël, en ressassant des allégations et des plaintes déjà existantes dans un site web maniant la poudre aux yeux », peut-on lire dans un communiqué du minisy§re des Affaires étrangères."

- Amnesty's new report takes soldiers' quotes out of context (Elder of Ziyon)
"Amnesty International today is releasing yet another report that tries to prove Israel committed war crimes in last year's Gaza war, this time regarding the events surrounding the kidnapping of Lt. Hadar Goldin in Rafah - who was abducted during a ceasefire.
Just like the Gaza Platform, the upcoming report uses the services of the anti-Zionist "Forensics Architecture" team to take one-sided evidence and twist it to make it look like an impartial investigation.
At the moment, only the executive summary is available. Yet even its use of sources proves its bias.
It quotes two IDF soldiers who were interviewed by "Breaking the Silence" to prove purposeful Israeli fire into civilian areas. "An Israeli infantry officer described to Israeli NGO Breaking the Silence the events that ensued after the Hannibal Directive was announced on the radio: “The minute ‘Hannibal Directive’ is declared on the radio, there are consequences. There’s a fire procedure called the ‘Hannibal fire procedure’ – you fire at every suspicious place that merges with a central route. You don’t spare any means”."
Here's the entire testimony: "So I heard that the reconnaissance platoon got into a confrontation, and that it looked like we were talking about two [IDF soldiers] dead and one captured. That’s when the mess got started. The minute ‘Hannibal Directive’ is declared on the radio, there are consequences. There’s a fire procedure called the ‘Hannibal fire procedure’ – you fire at every suspicious place that merges with a central route. You don’t spare any means. A thousand shells were fired that Friday morning, at all the central intersections. The entire Tancher [Route] (the continuation of Highway 4 in Gaza) was bombed. The air force attacked places inside Rafah City, places in which we knew there were Hamas militants. Was there collateral damage to houses? I’m sure there was. It was very intense, that incident. After the area was hit by 1,000 shells that Friday morning, I saw Tancher in ruins. Everything totally wrecked." Even the BtS soldier says that there was no intent to hurt civilians and that no civilian structures were directly targeted.
Here's Amnesty's second quote: "An artillery soldier said his battery was “firing at a maximum fire rate” right into inhabited areas."
The full testimony:
"- During occasions when there was a significant amount of fire [directed at our forces], or during the ground incursion to Gaza – to Shuja’iyya – I know my unit fired a lot. One of the senior officers in my unit talked about how we had fired [at targets] that were in very close proximity to our forces, how we had really saved them. He said it was an important mission and that apparently during it we had also killed a number of civilians. They said that tragically, some uninvolved civilians were apparently hit, but that it was a situation where it would either be our troops or civilians [being harmed]. He said that it wasn’t even a question, that it was obvious that our troops [came first]. They emphasized the fact that that was obviously not done on purpose.
- Did he say what the mission itself was, what the role of the [artillery] battery was?
- To assist them with artillery fire. If they need flare shells, or if they need smoke to conceal themselves, or, of course, if they need explosive shells to evacuate [forces from the field]. The battery fired 900 shells [that night], and the battalion fired about 1,200 or 1,500, I think. There were certain stages during which we were firing at a maximum fire rate – after Goldin was kidnapped, (an IDF soldier captured near Rafah) and in Shuja’iyya."
eep in mind that breaking the Silence itself cherry picks IDF soldiers' testimonies already to make the IDF look as bad as possible. Amnesty is further taking the BtS quotes out of context as evidence of war crimes.
It is not a war crime, or a violation of international law, to prioritize soldier's lives higher than unintended civilian casualties. On the contrary - it is what a normal military commander is supposed to do in every army on Earth. But Amnesty does not like to tell its readers what actual international law is.
Other quotes that Amnesty supposedly claims as evidence of "war crimes" are not directly quoted in the executive summary - we just have to trust Amnesty that these quotes exist and mean what they claim they mean:
"Public statements by Israeli army commanders and soldiers after the conflict provide compelling reasons to conclude that some attacks that killed civilians and destroyed homes and property were intentionally carried out and motivated by a desire for revenge – to teach a lesson to, or punish, the population of Rafah for the capture of Lieutenant Goldin. There is consequently strong evidence that many such attacks in Rafah between 1 and 4 August were serious violations of international humanitarian law and constituted grave breaches of the Fourth Geneva Convention or other war crimes." If they have quotes like that, why not use them in this summary? Because the quotes are not nearly as clear-cut as Amnesty wants the world to believe, and they know that reporters will trust their analysis of the quotes rather than evaluate them directly.
Interestingly, the executive summary doesn't mention the number of civilians killed in this operation. BtS said "between 41-150 Palestinians were killed, many of them civilians." That is a very imprecise number. It will be interesting to see if the Forensics Architecture team, supposedly committed to unbiased research, bothered during the past year to determine exactly how many civilians were actually killed during these three days of unbridled firepower in an urban battlefield where Hamas is purposefully hiding among civilians.
Civilians were killed in Rafah. It was tragic. Amnesty wants the world to believe that it was deliberate and they are willing to spend lots of money and effort to twist the truth to reach their pre-determined conclusions.
UPDATE: The final report does not contain a single quote that indicates that IDF soldiers intended to "take revenge." The only quote from a soldier that mentions "revenge" says the exact opposite: '“Anyone who abducts should know that he will pay a price. This was not revenge." Amnesty is lying."

- How Amnesty lies and twists the truth (Elder of Ziyon)
"Right after I posted my last article on Amnesty's latest report based on its executive summary, the actual Amnesty report about the fighting in Rafah last year was released. It took me about two minutes to identify the first lie.
"An engineer corps soldier who took part in the incursion told Breaking the Silence that his orders were “to make a big boom before the ceasefire”, without being given any specific targets". The Breaking the Silence quote shows that this soldier was not in Rafah to begin with! He was talking about a completely different battle in northern Gaza. And even his testimony shows the exact opposite of Amnesty's thesis of a bloodthirsty, vengeful IDF:
"Before the first ceasefire they told us we were going in [to the Gaza Strip] to take down a house. We went down quick and got the gear we needed ready and then we asked, “Which house are we taking down?” And they said, “We want to make a big boom before the ceasefire.” Like that, those were the words the officer used, and it made everyone mad. I mean, whose house? They hadn’t picked a specific one – just ‘a’ house. That’s when everyone got uneasy. At that moment we decided pretty unanimously that we would go speak with the team commander and tell him we simply aren’t going to do it, that we aren’t willing to put ourselves at risk for no reason. He chose the most inappropriate words to describe to us what we were being asked to do. I guess that’s how it was conveyed to him. “We’re not willing to do it,” we told him. It was a very difficult conversation. Him being an officer, he said, “First of all, so it’s clear to everyone, we will be carrying this thing out tonight, and second, I’m going to go find out more details about the mission for you.” He returned a few hours later and said, “It’s an ‘active house' (being used by combatants for military purposes) and it’s necessary you take it down, and not someone else, because we can’t do it with jets – that would endanger other houses in the area, and that’s why you’re needed.” In the end the mission was miraculously transferred to a battalion with which we were supposed to go in, and we were let off the hook. After the ceasefire a bulldozer and emulsion trucks (transporting the explosive liquid) and the driller (a drilling system for identifying tunnels) came to our area, and work started on the tunnels in our zone."
All Amnesty wants you to get out of this is that some IDF officer said he wanted to make a big boom on a random house, and it is clear that this was not the mission at all. And the very idea of such a mission is so anomalous and disgusting to IDF soldiers that even when they think their commander is ordering them to do so, they refuse! Amnesty, of course, has no problem lying and claiming that this is proof of Israeli war crimes miles away.
Meanwhile, I am looking in the full report for quotes to support Amnesty's claim in their executive summary that "Public statements by Israeli army commanders and soldiers after the conflict provide compelling reasons to conclude that some attacks that killed civilians and destroyed homes and property were intentionally carried out and motivated by a desire for revenge – to teach a lesson to, or punish, the population of Rafah for the capture of Lieutenant Goldin."
What public statements support that conclusion? Amnesty's full report supplies exactly one that does no such thing: "Israeli army spokesman Lieutenant Colonel Peter Lerner said Israel’s assaults were mostly aimed at convincing Hamas never to try it again: “When they come out of their bunkers and they look around, they are going to have to make a serious estimation of whether what they have done was worth it.” These statements indicate an intention to generate material damage as a deterrent."
Lerner's statement does not in any way indicate that the IDF intended to inflict damage as a deterrent. He was talking about damage that occurs during the course of a war where Hamas chooses to hide among civilians, necessitating the destruction of civilian buildings that Hamas turned into military targets. Amnesty has no shred of evidence that the IDF chose a single target for non-military reasons.
And this is the quote that Amnesty is using as proof of Israeli war crimes. It betrays not only their willingness to twist the facts to reach their pre-conceived notions, but also a willful ignorance of how modern armies make their decisions.
Amnesty chooses to anthropomorphize the IDF as a vindictive person, not as an organization with multiple layers of checks and balances - and there is plenty of documentation that shows every step that goes into IDF decision making that contradicts Amnesty's blanket statements. The organization is beneath contempt."



- Un petit Palestinien tué par des extrémistes juifs présumés (Reuters)
"Un petit Palestinien de 18 mois a péri et plusieurs autres membres de sa famille ont été grièvement blessés, vendredi en Cisjordanie [...], dans un incendie allumé par des extrémistes juifs présumés, rapporte la police israélienne. La maison, située à Kafr Douma, une localité proche de la ville de Naplouse, a été incendiée aux premières heures de la matinée, alors que la famille dormait. Le mot "Vengeance", en hébreu, a été retrouvé sur les murs de la maison incendiée, ont rapporté la police et des témoins.
Le Premier ministre israélien, Benjamin Netanyahu, s'est déclaré choqué par cette agression. "C'est un acte terroriste. Israël agit avec fermeté contre le terrorisme, quels qu'en soient les auteurs", a-t-il déclaré en ajoutant que "tous les moyens" seraient employés pour traduire les agresseurs devant la justice. Une enquête a été ouverte, a déclaré le lieutenant-colonel Peter Lerner, porte-parole de l'armée israélienne, pour qui il s'agit de "rien de moins qu'un acte de terrorisme barbare". [...]
"Nous pensons que cette attaque a des motivations nationalistes", a dit de son côté Luba Samri, porte-parole de la police israélienne. Les autorités israéliennes ont démantelé mercredi deux implantations sauvages dans la colonie de Beit El, près de Ramallah, et expulsé plusieurs dizaines personnes d'une autre implantation près de Naplouse, ce qui a provoqué des manifestations de protestation."

- Bébé palestinien brûlé : «un acte de terrorisme» pour Netanyahu (AFP) - "«C'est un acte de terrorisme en tout point», a affirmé Benjamin Netanyahu dans un communiqué en soulignant qu'il avait donné ordre aux «forces de sécurité d'utiliser tous les moyens à leur disposition pour arrêter les meurtriers et les traduire en justice»."
- Netanyahu condamne l’incendie criminel où a péri un bébé palestinien (Times of Israel)
"[...] « Je suis choqué par cet acte horrible, odieux », a déclaré le Premier ministre dans un communiqué. « Il s’agit d’une attaque terroriste à tous égards. L’Etat d’Israël traite fermement de la terreur, peu importe qui sont les auteurs ». Le premier ministre a affirmé qu’il avait chargé les forces de sécurité à « utiliser toutes les ressources à leur disposition pour capturer les assassins et les traduire en justice dès que possible. » Netanyahu a présenté ses condoléances et souhaité un prompt rétablissement aux membres de la famille Dawabsha, et a déclaré que le gouvernement israélien était « uni dans son opposition farouche à ces actes terribles. » [...]"
- Bébé palestinien brûlé vif : Netanyahu appelle Abbas (AFP)
"[...] Lors de cette conversation téléphonique, M. Netanyahu a affirmé au président palestinien avoir visité la mère, Riham Dawabcheh, 26 ans, et le frère, Ahmed, quatre ans, du petit Ali, 18 mois, mort brûlé vif dans le nord de la Cisjordanie occupée, dans un hôpital de Tel-Aviv où le président israélien Reuven Rivlin doit également se rendre. "Tout le monde en Israël est choqué par l'acte terroriste condamnable qui a visé la famille Dawabcheh", a affirmé M. Netanyahu au président Abbas, selon son bureau. [...]"
- Bébé palestinien brûlé vif : Moshé Yaalon dénonce un "acte terroriste" (AFP) - ""Le meurtre du bébé palestinien est un acte terroriste (...) nous ne permettrons pas à des terroristes de porter atteinte à la vie de Palestiniens", a ajouté le ministre [israélien de la Défense] après l'incendie d'une maison dans le village de Doma près de Naplouse".
- Un bébé palestinien brûlé vif dans une attaque d'extrémistes israéliens (AFP) - "l'attaque de vendredi a suscité une émotion particulièrement vive avec des appels israéliens sur les réseaux sociaux à manifester samedi contre la violence. Le ministre israélien de la Défense Moshé Yaalon a même qualifié les assaillants de "terroristes juifs"."

- Cisjordanie : Mahmoud Abbas va s'adresser à la CPI après la mort du bébé palestinien brûlé vif (AFP) - "« Nous préparons immédiatement le dossier qui sera soumis à la CPI et rien ne nous arrêtera dans notre volonté de porter plainte », a affirmé Mahmoud Abbas depuis le siège de la présidence à Ramallah, en Cisjordanie, tout en dénonçant « les crimes de guerre et les crimes contre l’Humanité commis chaque jour par des Israéliens contre le peuple palestinien »."

- Manifestations et affrontements en Cisjordanie après la mort d'un bébé palestinien (France TV info)
"Plusieurs milliers de Palestiniens ont manifesté en Cisjordanie et dans la bande de Gaza, vendredi 31 juillet [...] Des petits groupes d'adolescents palestiniens masqués ont commencé à jeter des pierres sur les soldats israélien à Hébron, indique AP. Les soldats ont répondu par des tirs "de grenades lacrymogènes et assourdissantes", précise l'AFP. [...]"

- Hamas: 'Every Israeli is now a legitimate target' following Duma terror attack (JP)
"Hamas said Friday that every Israeli is now a legitimate target following the deadly terror attack in the village of Duma in which a Palestinian toddler was killed, Israel Radio reported. In an official message to the public, Hamas also called for a "day of rage" to protest the deadly terror attack and "in order to protect al-Aksa mosque." [...]"

- Le Hamas appelle à la sédition [contre l'Autorité palestinienne] en Cisjordanie (AFP)
"Les députés du Hamas à Gaza ont de nouveau appelé ce mercredi à un «soulèvement» en Cisjordanie [...] après des dizaines d'arrestations d'islamistes par l'Autorité palestinienne accusée d'être le supplétif d'Israël.
Le mouvement islamiste, au pouvoir à Gaza, et l'Autorité du président Mahmoud Abbas qui administre les zones autonomes en Cisjordanie, sont à couteaux tirés depuis des années et leurs relations sont aujourd'hui au plus bas. Le Hamas appelle désormais régulièrement à la rébellion contre le pouvoir de Mahmoud Abbas, qu'il accuse de se compromettre avec Israël en maintenant une coopération sécuritaire.
Dans un nouveau geste de défi à l'Autorité palestinienne, les députés du Hamas se sont réunis dans le bâtiment du Parlement à Gaza alors que cette assemblée ne siège officiellement plus depuis 2007 et la prise du pouvoir par la force du Hamas dans l'enclave. Ils ont appelé à "un soulèvement et une rébellion contre les arrestations politiques" et exhorté tous les mouvements palestiniens à adopter "une position ferme face aux crimes de l'Autorité contre la résistance et ses membres", selon un communiqué.
Les députés ont dénoncé la coopération sécuritaire avec Israël comme "une haute trahison", a ajouté le texte. Le député Khalil al-Haya y a vu la preuve que "la sécurité de l'Autorité est désormais une branche de la sécurité sioniste". Cette coopération est la pierre angulaire des Accords sur l'autonomie signés en 1993 à Oslo et qui prévoient une coordination entre forces israéliennes et palestiniennes [...]"


"Processus de paix"

- Left presents new outlook: 2 states without uprooting Jews, Shlomo Cesana (Israel Hayom)
"Is Israel's Left revamping its diplomatic vision? On Monday, Zionist Union MK Hilik Bar presented a new outline for resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and, afterward, Zionist Union leader Isaac Herzog said Bar's proposal was worthy of "in-depth consideration."
Bar's plan includes the establishment of a Palestinian state with borders based on the 1949 armistice lines. The main settlement blocs in Judea and Samaria would remain part of Israel and there would be land swaps to compensate the Palestinians for these areas.
Also, Bar envisions letting Jews who live in areas that become part of the Palestinian state remain in their homes as residents of the new country. Bar said these Jews could become a "flourishing minority" in the Palestinian state, like the contemporary Jewish communities in London and Berlin.
Herzog called Bar's ideas "stimulating." "I'm not afraid to put these things on the table and examine them," Herzog said."

- Terrorist who led killing of 37 is ‎"the Bride of Palestine” - Host on Fatah-run TV (Fatah-run Awdah TV, Vidéo 2mn13) - "No one has forgotten Dalal Mughrabi since her Martyrdom in ‎‎1978. Her name is engraved on the hearts of all Palestinians, male and female. ‎Therefore we [Fatah’s committee] are proud to be named after Dalal Mughrabi, the hero ‎of Palestine, the Bride of Palestine, and the Martyr of Palestine".

- PA Minister: Israel has "evil plan to destroy the Al-Aqsa Mosque and establish the alleged Temple” (Vidéo 1mn) - "Every month there are invasions"...


Monde arabe

- Yémen : le blocus "tue autant" les civils que la guerre (AFP) - "Le blocus imposé par la coalition arabe conduite par l'Arabie saoudite au Yémen "tue" des civils autant que la guerre qui y fait rage, a déploré jeudi le chef de Médecins sans frontières (MSF)". Mais la couverture médiatique de ce blocus drastique et redoutable ne représentera jamais un dixième de la couverture du blocus maritime de Gaza, autrement moins dévastateur, quoi qu'on en dise.
"Le blocus imposé par la coalition arabe conduite par l'Arabie saoudite au Yémen "tue" des civils autant que la guerre qui y fait rage, a déploré jeudi le chef de Médecins sans frontières (MSF), en visite dans le pays. En empêchant l'arrivée de l'aide humanitaire aux populations affectées par la guerre au Yémen, le blocus "tue autant que le conflit" armé, a déclaré Joanne Liu, interrogée par l'AFP au téléphone à Sanaa.
Elle tire ainsi la sonnette d'alarme sur la situation humanitaire au Yémen, jugée "catastrophique" par des ONG, plus de quatre mois après le lancement le 26 mars par une coalition arabe d'une campagne de raids aériens contre les rebelles chiites pro-iraniens. [...] Après quatre mois d'intenses combats, l'ONU avait demandé que Ryad allège le blocus naval qu'il impose aux ports yéménites afin de laisser davantage de navires commerciaux ravitailler le pays, qui dépend à 90% des importations pour son carburant et sa nourriture. [...]"



- François Heisbourg : « L’Iran demeurera une puissance hostile à l’existence même d’Israël » (Actualité Juive) - "l’Iran peut décider d’utiliser cet argent [issu de la levée des sanctions] pour renforcer ses missiles qui, en dehors des fusées, remontent aux années 1970. Je ne doute pas personnellement qu’il y aura une forte pression des Pasdaran et des militaires pour engager ce type d’investissements. Cela va poser de sérieux problèmes aux pays voisins, en particulier à Israël et à l’Arabie Saoudite".
"- Actualité Juive : L’accord de Vienne est-il historique ?
- François Heisbourg (président de l’International Institute for Strategic Studies et conseiller spécial à la Fondation pour la recherche stratégique) : Au niveau de la région, la réponse est probablement non. L’Iran continuera à poser des problèmes en matière d’hégémonie régionale et maintiendra son activisme anti-israélien. Le régime demeurera ce qu’il est. En ce qui concerne la lutte contre la prolifération nucléaire au Moyen-Orient et dans le monde, oui l’accord est historique. Les engagements iraniens tels qu’ils ont été formulés et encadrés par le P5+1 et l’AIEA, forment un dispositif qui est de mon point de vue sans précédent et à vrai dire inespéré.
- A.J. : Ce compromis peut-il être prolongé par une entente américano-iranienne sur les principaux conflits de la région, sur le front irako-syrien en particulier ?
- F. H. : C’est la grande question et elle était présente dans l’intervention de François Hollande, le 14 juillet, lorsqu’il a évoqué les conséquences éventuelles de l’accord en Syrie. Il y a sans doute des gens tentés par cette possibilité. Mais je pense qu’ils seront déçus car l’Iran ne va pas changer de nature. Il demeurera une puissance hostile aux Etats sunnites de la région et à l’existence même d’Israël. Cet Iran sera rendu économiquement plus puissant par la levée des sanctions. Mais cette puissance sera économique et politique, mais ne sera pas nucléaire. Cela crée une sérieuse différence de mon point de vue. [...]
- A.J. : Les dirigeants iraniens pourraient-ils profiter des délais assez longs prévus dans le texte en cas de contestation des demandes d'inspection des sites impliqués dans le programme nucléaire pour tenter de cacher certaines de leurs activités nucléaires ?
- F. H. : Je suis convaincu depuis quelques années que les Iraniens s’emploient à ce genre de travail. Le contraire serait étonnant. Mais cela m’étonnerait qu’ils puissent faire cela dans les années à venir. Je ne pense pas d’ailleurs que les accords de Vienne jouent un rôle quelconque en la matière. A partir du moment où les Iraniens ont repris les négociations après l’élection d’Hassan Rohani à la présidence en 2013, il y a certainement des membres du régime qui ont eu tout intérêt à essayer d’effacer les traces de la « dimension potentiellement militaire » (DMI) du programme nucléaire iranien. Les Iraniens ne sont pas des enfants de chœur… [...]
- A.J.: A quoi servira la manne financière dont va bénéficier l’Iran grâce à l’accord ?
- F. H. : C’est une autre question majeure. En théorie, l’Iran devrait utiliser cet argent pour moderniser son appareil de production. Ses gisements pétroliers ont été laissés à l’abandon depuis une dizaine d’années, très peu d’investissements ont été menés pour moderniser les anciens champs gaziers ou pour en mettre en service de nouveaux. L’Iran possède la deuxième réserve gazière mondiale, mais n’est toujours pas exportateur net de gaz !
Mais l’Iran peut également décider d’utiliser cet argent pour renforcer ses missiles qui, en dehors des fusées, remontent aux années 1970. Je ne doute pas personnellement qu’il y aura une forte pression des Pasdaran et des militaires pour engager ce type d’investissements. Cela va poser de sérieux problèmes aux pays voisins, en particulier à Israël et à l’Arabie Saoudite."

- Obama’s Racial Blind Spot, Ruth R. Wisse (Professor of Yiddish Literature and Professor of Comparative Literature at Harvard University) - "This is the first time the U.S. will have deliberately entered into a pact with a country committed to annihilating another people—a pact that doesn’t even require formal repudiation of the country’s genocidal aims".
"Barack Obama’s election to the presidency represented to many Americans this country’s final triumph over racism. Reversing the record of slavery and institutionalized discrimination, his victory was hailed as a redemptive moment for America and potentially for humankind. How grotesque that the president should now douse that hope by fueling racism on an global scale. [...]
The Iranian regime is currently the world’s leading exponent of anti-Jewish racism. Comparisons to Nazi Germany are always a last resort, since even with all the evidence before us it is hard to fathom the evil the Nazis perpetrated. Yet Iran’s frank genocidal ambition dwarfs its predecessor’s. Whereas Adolf Hitler and Reinhard Heydrich had to plot the “Final Solution” in secrecy, using euphemisms for their intended annihilation of the Jews of Europe, Iran’s Supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei tweets that Israel “has no cure but to be annihilated.” Iran’s leaders, relishing how small Israel is, call it a “one bomb state,” and until the time arrives to deliver that bomb, they sponsor anti-Israel terrorism through Hamas, Islamic Jihad and other militias. [...]
Yet when it comes to the world’s most widespread and ideologically driven racism, President Obama seems to have a blind spot, initiating a nuclear deal with the fanatical anti-Jewish regime in Tehran, despite what he calls Iran’s “bad behavior.” The euphemism this time is his, not that of the perpetrators, and it camouflages their intentions even if they won’t. [...] This is the first time the U.S. will have deliberately entered into a pact with a country committed to annihilating another people—a pact that doesn’t even require formal repudiation of the country’s genocidal aims."

- Khamenei: The worst thing about World Wars was Israel's creation (Elder of Ziyon) - "This series of tweets from Ayatollah Khamenei shows how deranged he is".



- Reem Sahwil : J’espère qu’Israël disparaîtra (Times of Israel) - "Reem Sahwil avait fait la Une des journaux suite à un débat télévisé avec la chancelière allemande au cours duquel celle-ci a fondu en larmes".
- I hope Israel disappears, says Palestinian teen Merkel brought to tears (Times of Israel) - “My hope is that one day it [Israel] won’t be there anymore, but only Palestine.”
"In an interview Sunday with the German weekly Die Welt, Reem Sahwil said she hoped to return to live in her ancestral homeland — free of Israel. “My hope is that one day it [Israel] won’t be there anymore, but only Palestine,” she said.
Reem, who was born in a refugee camp in Lebanon and currently lives in the eastern German city of Rostock, said she does not consider Germany to be her home. “No, Palestine is my home,” she said. Although she had never visited, she said, she intended to live there “one day.”
When asked what she considered to be Palestine, Reem answered “everything.” “The country should not be called Israel, but Palestine,” she said.
The interviewer asked her if she was aware of the special relationship between Israel and Germany, and the strict laws against anti-Semitism in her adopted home. “Yes, but there is freedom of speech here, and I am allowed to say that,” Reem answered. “My parents tell me that Israel expelled us from Palestine. That’s true, isn’t it?”
Reem garnered international media attention earlier this month after an awkward encounter with the German leader, during a televised discussion of the country’s asylum policies, left the teenager in tears. After telling the Reem that she could not stop her family’s possible deportation, a video clip of Merkel attempting to comfort the sobbing 14-year-old went viral. [...]"

- Is It Good for the Jews?: Anti-Semitism and the New Europe, Dave Rich (World Affairs Journal) - "These outbreaks of anti-Semitism are most acute during times of conflict [in the Middle East], but their background hum has a more permanent feel for many Jews".
"There are lots of different ways to talk, and think, about European anti-Semitism, and most of them have been heard at one time or another over the past year.
You can look at the jihadist murders of Jews in Brussels, Paris, and the Danish capital of Copenhagen over the past 12 months, and in Toulouse, in southern France, three years ago, and at the murder of Ilan Halimi in Paris in 2006, and conclude that Europe generally, and France in particular, has a problem with homicidal anti-Semitism.
You can look at the thousands of Jews who have left France in recent years, traumatized by successive anti-Semitic murders and wearied by the weekly grind of anti-Semitic abuse, threats, and violence that rarely makes the international news, and wonder if Jews have a future in Europe at all.
You can look at the electoral success of the neo-fascist Jobbik in Hungary, and the neo-Nazi Golden Dawn in Greece, and the far-right National Front in France, and worry that Europe has forgotten the destruction wrought on the continent by fascism and Nazism, with all their attendant anti-Semitism, during the last century, and is destined to repeat the errors of its own history.
Or you can listen to the heartfelt and compelling support for European Jewry expressed recently by French Prime Minister Manuel Valls, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, and British Prime Minister David Cameron, the leaders of the three most powerful states in the European Union, and feel reassured that Jews, despite the attacks they suffer and dangers they face, are nonetheless valued and protected in the new Europe.
You can look at National Front leader Marine Le Pen, who regularly tries to appear philosemitic and to distance herself from the party’s fascist past, even at the cost of breaking from her own father, and—whether she is sincere or not, whether this is cosmetic or not—you can wonder what it means, that in order to be electable she feels compelled to reach out to French Jews.
And you can look at a city like London, where new Jewish schools and community centers thrive, where Jews play a full role in a diverse, multicultural city, and where the prospect of the United Kingdom electing its first Jewish Prime Minister (Ed Miliband) since Queen Victoria sat on the throne was barely discussed (outside Jewish circles, of course) during the recent election, and imagine that anti-Semitism is something in the margins, an unfortunate relic of outdated prejudice that only rarely intrudes upon the daily lives of ordinary Jews.
Or, most confusing of all, you can imagine that all of these things are true, and accurate, and are happening simultaneously in today’s Europe, and that the good and bad stories about anti-Semitism and Jewish life in Europe do not even contradict each other. And you would be right to do so. [...]
Whenever Israel fights its periodic conflicts with Hamas or Hezbollah, Jews in Europe will feel the backlash. In July and August 2014, as the bombs and rockets began to fly between Gaza and southern Israel, anti-Semitism started its predictable rise in European cities. In France, riot police were needed to protect synagogues and Jewish shops were burnt out. In Britain, the highest-ever number of anti-Semitic incidents was recorded. In Germany, chants of “Hamas, Hamas, Jews to the gas” were heard coming from anti-Israel demonstrators.
These outbreaks of anti-Semitism are most acute during times of conflict, but their background hum has a more permanent feel for many Jews. In 2013, before the most recent Gaza war and before the Paris and Copenhagen and Brussels attacks, 60 percent of Swedish Jews told opinion pollsters that they always or frequently avoided wearing or carrying anything in public that might identify them as Jewish. Forty-nine percent of French Jews and 45 percent of Belgian Jews said the same. These figures were lower in other parts of Europe, but Jews in those places look to France and Belgium and wonder if that is where their own societies are heading. Such fears are not compatible with what European Jewish Congress President Moshe Kantor calls a “normative Jewish life.” [...]
Last summer, when European anti-Semitism began to rise in response to the conflict in Gaza and southern Israel, it was Muslim anger that gave it energy and focus. This was seen in France, where riot police were needed to protect synagogues and where Jewish shops were burnt out. It was also seen in Britain, where the highest-ever number of anti-Semitic incidents was recorded and the proportion of anti-Semitic hate crime offenders described as South Asian or Arab rose significantly. Not all anti-Semitic hate crime is perpetrated by Muslims, but enough of it is for Jews, and others, to connect it to wider issues of extremism and cohesion that can sometimes feel as if they undermine the very basis of society itself. [...]
Ensuring that European Jews have confidence in their communities’ futures is an essential task for Europe’s political leaders, but only as part of ensuring that those European societies have a cohesive, safe, and prosperous future. This will be easier in some places than in others, just as some Jewish communities are under extreme pressure and others are thriving. The short-term need is to provide sufficient physical security to protect Jewish communities from jihadists. In the longer term, Europe needs to rediscover its own secular liberal values and assert them in a positive and inclusive way. Building societies that are diverse and cohesive, that promote an easy and relaxed multiculturalism while celebrating a core identity that everyone feels is their own, is no easy task. But this is the task facing Europe’s leaders today, and success in the struggle against anti-Semitism depends on it."

- Au moins 4 civils tués dans l'est de l'Ukraine (AFP) - "Le conflit opposant l'armée ukrainienne aux rebelles prorusses a fait plus de 6.800 morts en quinze mois". Pour rappel, c'est plus de trois fois le bilan du dernier conflit dans la bande de Gaza.



- Questioning the banality of evil, S. Alexander Haslam and Stephen D. Reicher (The Psychologist) - "studies of the Nazi regime reveal that its functionaries engaged actively and creatively with their tasks"; "meticulous examination of Eichmann’s life and crimes have suggested that Arendt’s analysis was, at best, naive"; "A spate of books have made similar arguments about the psychology of Nazi functionaries in general"; "In short, the true horror of Eichmann and his like is not that their actions were blind. On the contrary, it is that they saw clearly what they did, and believed it to be the right thing to do".
"There is a widespread consensus amongst psychologists that tyranny triumphs either because ordinary people blindly follow orders or else because they mindlessly conform to powerful roles. However, recent evidence concerning historical events challenges these views. In particular, studies of the Nazi regime reveal that its functionaries engaged actively and creatively with their tasks. Re-examination of classic social psychological studies points to the same dynamics at work. This article summarises these developments and lays out the case for an updated social psychology of tyranny that explains both the influence of tyrannical leaders and the active contributions of their followers. [...]
Until recently, there has been a clear consensus amongst social psychologists, historians and philosophers that everyone succumbs to the power of the group and hence no one can resist evil once in its midst. But now, suddenly, things don’t seem quite so certain. On the historical side, a number of new studies – notably David Cesarani’s (2004) meticulous examination of Eichmann’s life and crimes – have suggested that Arendt’s analysis was, at best, naive. Not least, this was because she only attended the start of his trial. In this, Eichmann worked hard to undermine the charge that he was a dangerous fanatic by presenting himself as an inoffensive pen-pusher. Arendt then left. Had she stayed, though, she (and we) would have discovered a very different Eichmann: a man who identified strongly with anti-semitism and Nazi ideology; a man who did not simply follow orders but who pioneered creative new policies; a man who was well aware of what he was doing and was proud of his murderous ‘achievements’.
A spate of books have made similar arguments about the psychology of Nazi functionaries in general (see Haslam & Reicher, 2007a, for a review). They all suggest that very few Nazis could be seen as ‘simply following orders’ – not least because the orders issued by the Nazi hierarchy were typically very vague. As
a result, individuals needed to display imagination and initiative in order to interpret the commands they were given and to act upon them. As Ian Kershaw notes, Nazis didn’t obey Hitler, they worked towards him, seeking to surpass each other in their efforts. But by the same token, they also had a large degree of discretion. Indeed, as Laurence Rees (2005) notes in his recent book on Auschwitz and the ‘final solution’, it was this that made the Nazi system so dynamic. Even in the most brutal of circumstances, people did not have to kill and only some chose to do so. So, far from simply ‘finding themselves’ in inhumane situations or inhumane groups, the murderers actively committed themselves to such groups. They actively created inhumane situations and placed themselves at their epicentre. This was true even of concentration camp regimes:
"Individuals demonstrated commitment by acting, on their own initiative, with greater brutality than their orders called for. Thus excess did not spring from mechanical obedience. On the contrary; its matrix was a group structure where it was expected that members exceed the limits of normal violence." (Sofsky, 1993, p.228)
In short, the true horror of Eichmann and his like is not that their actions were blind. On the contrary, it is that they saw clearly what they did, and believed it to be the right thing to do.
[...] from Stanford, as from the obedience studies, it is not valid to conclude that people mindlessly and helplessly succumb to brutality. Rather both studies (and also the historical evidence) suggest that brutality occurs when people identify strongly with groups that have a brutal ideology. This leads them to advance that ideology knowingly, creatively and even proudly. [...]
Until recently, psychologists and historians have agreed that ordinary people commit evil when, under the influence of leaders and groups, they become blind to the consequences of their actions. This consensus has become so strong that it is repeated, almost as a mantra, in psychology textbooks and in society at large. However critical scrutiny of both historical and psychological evidence – along with a number of new studies, e.g. Krueger (in press); Staub (in press) – has produced a radically different picture. People do great wrong, not because they are unaware of what they are doing but because they consider it to be right. This is possible because they actively identify with groups whose ideology justifies and condones the oppression and destruction of others. [...]
Our complaint against the old consensus is that, for far too long, it has asked the wrong questions and led us to seek the key to human malevolence in the wrong place. Cesarini’s study of Eichmann led him to conclude that: ‘the notion of the banality of evil, combined with Milgram’s theses on the predilection for obedience to authority, straitjacketed research for two decades’ (2004, p.15). We agree. As John Turner (2006) argues, "it is time to escape our theoretical prisons." [...]"

- Contes sordides de l’antisémitisme, Marc Semo (Libération) - "L’anthropologue polonaise Joanna Tokarska-Bakir dissèque les rumeurs attribuant aux juifs des meurtres rituels, légendes qui se sont répandues en Europe dès le Moyen Age".
"Au fil des siècles, ces récits sont toujours restés les mêmes, évoquant des profanations d’hosties qui se mettent à saigner, ou plus tardivement des meurtres rituels d’enfants chrétiens, dont le sang doit servir pour le pain azyme. Dans ces monstrueuses légendes, on retrouve toujours la même figure, le juif avide, et les mêmes objets, le couteau de la circoncision ou le tonneau à clous que l’on roule pour faire saigner l’enfant chrétien qui y a été enfermé. Ces rumeurs de sang ont essaimé dans toute l’Europe à partir du XIIIe siècle, notamment dans les..." (suite payante)

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