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27 mai 2016 5 27 /05 /mai /2016 10:04


- Paris : Ken Loach appelle au boycott d’Israël (Times of Israel) - voir vidéo ici.
"[...] Lors de la soirée d’ouverture du Festival Ciné-Palestine à l’Institut du Monde Arabe, le réalisateur a tenu un discours invitant à boycotter l’état d’Israël.
« Nous entendons beaucoup parlé du conflit en Palestine, mais nous n’entendons pas les voix des Palestiniens, » a déclaré Ken Loach. « Je ne sais pas à quoi ça ressemble en France, mais dans notre pays, le fait que les voix des Palestiniens restent silencieuses n’est pas un accident. Dans les journaux, dans les émissions, pour un Palestinien vous entendez dix Israéliens. » « Ce qui nous dépasse est l’impuissance du droit international. Et dans l’absence de l’application du droit, nous, en tant que civils, nous devons faire ce qui est possible. Et pour nous cela veut dire le boycott, » a conclu Ken Loach.
A cet appel du boycott, le réalisateur britannique a été applaudi par les participants à cette cérémonie d’ouverture. [...]"



- Israël poursuit le Waqf pour des WC construits sur un site archéologique (Times of Israel) - "Les WC sont construits sur une forteresse datant de plus de 2 000 ans et au-dessus du mur Occidental".

- Time to kill the "third holiest site in Islam" myth (Elder of Ziyon) - "What is now called the Al Aqsa Mosque is not universally considered Islam's third holiest shrine. According to Shia Islam, Najaf and Karbala are holier than Jerusalem with some even claiming that Karbala is holier than Mecca and Medina"; "Sufi Muslims have a completely different list of top holiest sites. Describing the Al Aqsa Mosque as the third holiest site in Islam is simply wrong. At best, it is the third holiest site in Sunni Islam. (You can also argue about whether Mohammed was describing Jerusalem in his "night journey" story - it is not at all clear that he was.)"


Gaza & Hamas

- Raids aériens israéliens dans la bande de Gaza (AFP) - "Ces attaques ont visé deux objectifs liés au Hamas, le mouvement islamiste palestinien qui contrôle la bande de Gaza, en réponse à un tir de roquette mercredi soir vers le secteur de Shaar HaNegev dans le sud d'Israël".

- Israël déjoue une tentative de contrebande à un point de passage de Gaza (Times of Israel) - "Les autorités israéliennes ont déjoué une tentative de passage en contrebande de tuyaux en métal et de moteurs dans la bande de Gaza, qui auraient pu être utilisés pour construire des roquettes et des tunnels".

- L'ONU demande au Hamas de renoncer à exécuter des condamnés à Gaza (AFP) - "Les lois internationales, a-t-il fait valoir, limitent l'application de la peine capitale "aux crimes les plus graves" et après un procès juste et équitable. "Je doute fort que les peines de mort prononcées à Gaza respectent ces conditions", a-t-il ajouté" ; "Selon la direction du Hamas, les condamnés sont treize hommes, pour la plupart condamnés pour des meurtres motivés par des vols".
- After Amnesty pleas, Hamas decides to hold public executions anyway (Elder of Ziyon)


"Processus de paix"

- Official PA media glorifies murderer of US tourist, Taylor Force (PMW) - voir vidéo ici (1mn32).
"On March 8, 2016, Palestinian terrorist Bashar Masalha attacked civilians in Tel Aviv-Jaffa, stabbing to death an American tourist, Taylor Force, and wounding 11 others. The terrorist was shot and killed by Israeli police. The day after the murder, Palestinian Media Watch reported that Abbas’ Fatah praised the murderer as “the heroic Martyr.” Last week, Israel gave his body to the Palestinian Authority.
Reporting on the funeral in which hundreds participated, official PA TV glorified the murderer calling him “the Martyr” - “Shahid” - 11 times. Becoming a Martyr in Islam represents the highest religious achievement that can be attained by a Muslim, according to PA teachings, and the Martyr is granted numerous rewards. The PA TV reporter explained that the funeral was “a large national wedding befitting of Martyrs.” The reference is to Islamic belief that a Martyr marries 72 Dark-Eyed Virgins in Paradise:
- PA TV reporter: “His family, friends, and people of the region took it upon themselves to ensure that this [burial] would be a large national wedding befitting of Martyrs... The Martyr was accompanied to his last resting place in the cemetery for Martyrs in Hajja.” [Official PA TV, May 21, 2016] Click to view
The official PA daily also honored the murderer as a “Martyr”: “Masalha died as a Martyr on March 8 [2016], after carrying out a stabbing operation in Jaffa, in which he killed an American tourist.” [Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, May 21, 2016] [...]"

- PA schools use plays to teach murder and hate (PMW) - voir vidéo ici (1mn).
"[...] A recent play at a PA high school for boys reinforced the PA libel that Israel fabricated the many recent stabbing attacks by Palestinians by planting knives near innocent Palestinians who were then shot and killed by Israelis for no reason. At the Tuqu' High School for Boys, which is part of the Bethlehem Education Directorate under the PA Ministry of Education, this libel was reinforced by depicting Israeli soldiers as cold-blooded murderers in a school play.
In the play performed in front of hundreds of high school students, actors portray Israeli soldiers arresting a Palestinian youth. The soldiers make the Palestinian kneel and lie on the ground, then they plant a knife next to him to frame him as a stabber, and finally shoot him in cold blood. Other actors portray Palestinians carrying away the "Martyr's" body. [Official Facebook page of Tuqu' Municipality (PA), May 11, 2016]
In another example of PA education, young Palestinian children "executed" an Israeli soldier in a play at an art exhibition at the Al-Surra Elementary School for Boys and Girls, which is part of the Hebron Education Directorate under the PA Ministry of Education. [...]"

- Fatah event today to "honor" suicide bomber (PMW)
"Ayyat Al-Akhras was a Fatah terrorist who carried out a suicide attack in a supermarket in the Kiryat Yovel neighborhood in Jerusalem in March 2002. Two people were murdered in the terror attack, and 28 were injured. The Fatah Movement announced yesterday that today, Thursday May 26, at 3:45 PM "an event will take place to mark the anniversary of the death as a Martyr (Shahida) of Ayyat Al-Akhras." The invitation added: "To honor she who watered the ground with her pure blood." [...]"


Liban, Syrie & Hezbollah

- Syrie : la guerre a fait plus de 280.000 morts, selon l'OSDH (AFP) - "un conflit dévastateur qui perdure depuis cinq ans".

- Yesterday was "Resistance Liberation Day" in Lebanon (Elder of Ziyon) - "It is so nice that Israel's neighbors have holidays centered around the Jewish state"...



- "Israel to blame for airplane crash - and for aphrodisiac bubble gum, too" (Elder of Ziyon) - ah et aussi pour le sida, selon ce commentateur politique égyptien. Vidéo ici.
- Egyptian Political Commentator Al-Wahsh: Israel Behind Plane Crash, We Must Form Death Squads That Will Kill Israelis, Mutilate Their Bodies (Memri, Vidéo 2mn25) - vraiment très marrant, le type est hystérique.



- Pour la justice espagnole, le BDS est anti-constitutionnel et discriminatoire (JTA) - "le Ministerio Fiscal a déclaré dans sa recommandation non contraignante que les objectifs du boycott de Gijon « violent la Constitution, ainsi que la Convention européenne pour la protection des droits de l’homme ». Les clauses du mouvement, selon le tribunal, « mettent en péril le droit fondamental à l’égalité sans discrimination par rapport à l’apparence, à l’ethnicité ou à la religion »."



- L’OMS veut enquêter sur des abus au droit à la santé en Israël (Times of Israel) - "La motion, co-parrainée par le groupe des états arabes et les Palestiniens, mandate une délégation pour enquêter et rapporter les « conditions sanitaires dans les Territoires palestiniens occupés » et dans « le Golan syrien occupé », et place le résultat de cette enquête au programme de la réunion de l’année prochaine. Le rapport doit se concentrer sur « l’impact d’une occupation prolongée et de violations des droits de l’Homme sur la santé mentale, physique et environnementale ». Le Royaume-Uni, la France et l’Allemagne faisaient partie des 107 pays qui se sont prononcés en faveur de la proposition pendant le rassemblement d’une semaine à Genève. Huit pays ont votés contre la résolution et huit pays se sont abstenus".
- UK, France, Germany join UN to single out Israel as world’s only violator of health rights (UN Watch)
"The UK, France, Germany and other EU states voted today for a UN resolution, co-sponsored by the Arab group of states and the Palestinian delegation, that singled out Israel at the annual assembly of the World Health Organization (WHO) as the only violator of “mental, physical and environmental health,” and commissioned a WHO delegation to investigate and report on “the health conditions in the occupied Palestinian territory” and in “the occupied Syrian Golan,” and to place it on the agenda again at next year’s meeting.
By contrast, the UN assembly did not address Syrian hospitals being bombed by Syrian and Russian warplanes, or millions of Yemenis denied access to food and water by the Saudi-led bombings and blockade, nor did it pass a resolution on any other country in the world. Out of 24 items on the meeting’s agenda, only one, Item No. 19 against Israel, focused on a specific country.
“The UN reached new heights of absurdity today,” said UN Watch executive director Hillel Neuer, “by enacting a resolution which accuses Israel of violating the health rights of Syrians in the Golan, even as in reality Israeli hospitals continue their life-saving treatment for Syrians fleeing to the Golan from the Assad regime’s barbaric attacks.” [...]"
- UN passes resolution singling out Israel for violating health of Palestinians (Elder of Ziyon) - "How the UN manages to be so consistently outrageous is remarkable. And France, saying they want to sponsor a peace summit, enthusiastically supports such egreguous examples of hate against Israel. While researching something else I recently came across an obscure 1984 article in Public Health Review. Written by three members of Israel's department of public health for Gaza, it explains how Israeli doctors dramatically reduced the infant mortality rate in the sector between 1973 and 1982. What Israel did to save Gaza children was nothing short of miraculous. To cut infant mortality by two thirds in a decade is amazing".


Point de vue

- Breaking the slander, Ben-Dror Yemini (Ynet) - "There is a clear difference between constructive criticism and a horror show of propaganda. Breaking the Silence could choose the former option, but instead it has chosen the latter".
"[...] This time, it is Breaking the Silence. They don't try to hide their agenda, but their methods are nevertheless problematic: when they testimonies they gather are given anonymously, there is no way to fully corroborate what had happened. Every once in a while, when the names of those who had given their testimonies are made public, the other soldiers in their unit claim that it was all a bunch of lies.
What we are left with then are the anonymous testimonies themselves. When the military court wants to verify a certain testimony, it is faced with the same problem, since those at Breaking the Silence refuse to divulge any identifying information. What is the value of a testimony that cannot be corroborated? To paraphrase Popper's falsifiability principle, information that cannot be refuted, is not information at all. Hypothetically, you could gather information on members of Breaking the Silence, accuse them of raping underage girls and cooperating with Hamas. You could then publish these "testimonies" in five different languages, while making it clear to them that the identity of their accusers will not be made public. The reason? So as not to disrupt the information gathering process. This means, of course, that the accusations could never be disproved. You're just going to have to trust us, Breaking the Silence would be told. We're doing this out of love for your organization. We're just looking to improve it.
Despite the organization's radical motivation and the anti-Israeli propaganda perpetuated by some of its members, Breaking the Silence may have indeed gathered testimonies on substantial oversights. Such cases need to be examined, perhaps even lead to criminal investigation and indictments. This is what constitutes a civilized society. But the organization demands to be given a privilege that flies in the face of the law and common sense: we will vilify, publicize our findings throughout the world, but never allow for an investigation to prove or discredit what we say.
There is a clear difference between constructive criticism and a horror show of propaganda. Breaking the Silence could choose the former option, but instead it has chosen the latter. Any organization that sends representatives to tell journalists, diplomats and foreign activists that IDF soldiers fire machine guns at civilian populations as if in a video game, and tell UN delegates from Iran and Sudan that Israeli soldiers are looters and criminals, does not deal in legitimate criticism. Rather, it is part of a system bent on Israel's demonization.
Among others, Breaking the Silence cooperates and gets its funding from sources that support the BDS movement. It is not interested in improving Israel's morality, but to deny Israel's right to exist. Based on all of this, in addition to discredited public testimonies, should Breaking the Silence be allowed to continue with its uncorroborated slander? Is this what amounts to criticism, democracy and due process?
In a democratic country there is room for soldiers to criticize actions that took place during their army service. There are, after all, exceptional cases that should be dealt with, just as there is an ever-present need to correct and improve what is currently considered acceptable conduct. But Breaking the Silence has chosen a different path. It wants to be above the law, to vilify without being held accountable. Israeli authorities should not lend a hand to this kind of trickery."

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