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2 mars 2014 7 02 /03 /mars /2014 10:14
- Ce ne sera pas François Cluzet qui remettra un césar à Scarlett Johansson (Europalestine) - "A la dernière minute, ils ont demandé à l’Américain Quentin Tarantino de remplacer François Cluzet, qui remettra tous les autres césars... sauf celui-là". Car François Cluzet lui reproche d'avoir fait la publicité de Sodastream, entreprise "juive" au-delà de la Ligne verte.

Gaza & Hamas

- IAF strikes rocket launcher in northern Gaza (Times of Israel) - "No reports of Palestinian injuries; army says attack was imminent".
- IAF attacks terror target in northern Gaza Strip (Ynet) - "IDF spokesman said 'strike was meant to eliminate an imminent threat of rocket fire towards Israel'."

- Hamas: Teaching Human Rights is Against Palestinian, Islamic Culture, Khaled Abu Toameh (Gatestone Institute) - "Hamas' real problem with the UNRWA curriculum is that it could spoil the Islamist movement's ongoing efforts to stir the hearts and minds of Palestinian children to wage jihad against the "enemies" of Islam. Hamas wants Palestinian children to be taught how to become suicide bombers and seek the death of Jews and "infidels"."

- Egypt to Hamas: Smuggling tunnels will be shut entirely (Times of Israel) - "Amid campaign to create Gaza-Sinai buffer zone, Cairo tells Islamist group that it will be held responsible for border trouble".

- Gaza : le Hamas produit avec des moyens de fortune un film sur le soldat Shalit (AFP) - Hamas : "Il était prévu que le ministère iranien de la Culture finance le film, mais le soutien s'est arrêté à cause de la dégradation des relations entre l'Iran et le Hamas à cause de la situation en Syrie".


- Un Palestinien tué par l'armée israélienne en Cisjordanie (Reuters) - "Mouataz Wachaha était soupçonné d'"activités terroristes", précise l'armée".
   "Un Palestinien de 24 ans a été tué jeudi par des militaires israéliens venus l'arrêter à son domicile de Cisjordanie, rapporte un correspondant de Reuters ayant assisté à la scène. Après avoir pris position autour de la maison de Mouataz Wachaha, les militaires l'ont sommé de sortir. Ses proches ont obtempéré, mais pas lui. Après un statu quo de plusieurs heures, les forces israéliennes ont détruit une partie du bâtiment au bulldozer et ont ouvert le feu. Le corps du jeune homme a été retrouvé peu après. Mouataz Wachaha était soupçonné d'"activités terroristes", précise l'armée. Les forces dépêchées pour l'appréhender considéraient qu'il était armé et un fusil d'assaut a été découvert par la suite, ajoute-t-elle. Deux autres personnes ont été arrêtées sur les lieux. [...]"
- Israeli security forces kill Palestinian suspected in series of West Bank terror attacks, Yaakov Lappin (JP)
   "Security forces shot dead a wanted Palestinian north of Ramallah on Thursday after he ignored calls to leave his hideout and surrender. The suspect took part and planned a series of terror attacks across the West Bank. Military sources said that he was affiliated with the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP). Two additional suspects were arrested in the raid.
    Security forces encircled the suspect's home in Beir Zeit and called on him to leave peacefully.  After he failed to comply, soldier's opened fire, killing him. Subsequently, about 150 Palestinians took part in a violent disturbance in the area. Security forces dispersed the rioters with non-lethal crowd control means. There were no injuries in the clash.
    The Palestinian Authority condemned the killing of the suspect, who was identified as Muataz Washaha, 24. "The assassination of martyr Washaha represents a new violation of human rights. Occupation forces deliberately killed martyr Washaha," it said in a statement."
- IDF kills wanted Palestinian man near Ramallah (Times of Israel) - "Military sources say Moataz Washaha was suspected of involvement in planning and carrying out terror attacks in the West Bank".

- Amnesty demande un embargo des armes à destination d’Israël (Europalestine) - "L’ONG s’adresse à l’Europe et aux Etats-Unis pour leur demander de "suspendre toute livraison d’armes à Israël, étant donné l’usage qui en est fait contre les Palestiniens’."
- Amnesty accuses Israel of war crimes in new report (AFP) - "Rights group calls on US, EU and others to stop weapons sales to Jerusalem; IDF: Report disregards upsurge in Palestinian violence".
- Amnesty proves its anti-Israel bias yet again (Elder of Ziyon) - "In contrast, in Egypt earlier this year, in a single day, over 54 protesters were killed. since July there have been nearly 1500 killed by Egyptian security forces. They are not called "trigger happy" by Amnesty. In the Ukraine, more than 70 protesters were killed last week. Amnesty did not call Kiev's police "trigger happy." Venezuela killed 11 protesters in the past couple of weeks. Nothing about them being called "trigger happy" by Amnesty. Amnesty has never titled any other of its reports with the phrase "trigger happy"."
- Proof of bias in Amnesty's "Trigger-Happy" report (Elder of Ziyon) - "The anti-Israel bias is blatant".

- Palestinian doctors sterilize women - for "honor" reasons! (Elder of Ziyon) - "Remember last year when Haaretz falsely claimed that Israeli doctors would routinely sterilize female Ethiopian immigrants against their will? [...] So...where is the coverage? Where are the protests? Where are the human rights organizations that didn't notice and publicize this practice for the past several years? Where was the media while all this was happening? This story will never get the same coverage of the bogus Haaretz story".

"Processus de paix"

- Les Palestiniens excluent toute prolongation des négociations avec Israël, Nasser Abu Bakr (AFP)
   "Les Palestiniens ont exclu jeudi toute prolongation des négociations directes avec Israël au-delà de la date butoir de la fin avril au moment où le processus de paix initié par le secrétaire d'Etat américain John Kerry semble en grande difficulté. "Il ne sert à rien de prolonger les négociations, ne serait-ce que d'une seule heure, si Israël, représenté par son gouvernement actuel, continue à mépriser le droit international", a déclaré jeudi à l'AFP le négociateur en chef Saëb Erakat.
   "S'il y avait un partenaire sincère, nous n'aurions même pas eu besoin de neuf heures pour parvenir à un accord", a estimé M. Erakat, en réponse à des propos de M. Kerry, selon lesquels les discussions entre les deux parties se poursuivraient probablement au-delà des neuf mois impartis. "Mais il n'y a pas de partenaire en Israël qui soit engagé en faveur d'une paix véritable ou du droit international", a accusé le négociateur palestinien.
    Rappelant qu'il travaillait d'arrache-pied depuis la fin juillet 2013 à mettre sur pied un "accord-cadre" entre Israël et les Palestiniens, John Kerry a confié mercredi à quelques journalistes qu'il "pensait que personne ne s'inquiéterait s'il y avait encore neuf mois (...) pour boucler" le processus de paix israélo-palestinien. "Nous essayons d'obtenir une ossature, ce qui est une énorme tâche quand on sait que l'on s'est servi jusqu'ici de ces sept mois pour tenter de comprendre les positions des deux camps et pour pouvoir donner corps aux négociations finales", a souligné le secrétaire d'Etat, qui impose un black-out médiatique sur la teneur des tractations directes.
    Les dirigeants israéliens souhaitent publiquement une extension des négociations de paix --qui ont repris en juillet après une interruption de près de trois ans-- au-delà de l'échéance fixée au 29 avril. [...] A l'issue d'entretiens avec John Kerry la semaine dernière à Paris, le président palestinien Mahmoud Abbas a constaté l'échec "jusqu'à présent" de la diplomatie américaine pour définir un accord-cadre, qualifiant d'"inacceptables" les idées avancées par Washington. [...]
    Selon le New York Times, le président Obama a l'intention de s'impliquer personnellement dans le processus de paix et de presser M. Netanyahu d'accepter "l'accord-cadre" américain lorsqu'il le recevra lundi à la Maison Blanche. [...]"

- Abbas rejette le projet d’accord-cadre américain (El Watan) - "le président Mahmoud Abbas, qui a eu de longues discussions avec le secrétaire d’Etat américain à Paris, mercredi et jeudi derniers, a réitéré son refus de la forme actuelle du projet américain. Certains responsables palestiniens ont évoqué de grosses pressions de la part de M. Kerry et de certains pays européens sur le président Mahmoud Abbas pour qu’il accepte le projet en question".
- Kerry’s framework reportedly left Abbas fuming in Paris (Times of Israel) - "PA president called US proposals — including a Palestinian capital in Beit Hanina and recognition of Israel as a Jewish state — ‘insanity,’ according to Palestinian daily".
   "Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas left a two-day meeting with US Secretary of State John Kerry in Paris last week fuming over Kerry’s proposals for a framework accord between Israel and the Palestinians, according to a Palestinian report. The top American diplomat reportedly offered for Abbas to form a Palestinian capital in Beit Hanina, not all of East Jerusalem, as the Palestinians have demanded.
    Kerry also suggested that Israel keep 10 settlement blocs as part of any territorial exchange, according to Al Quds, the most widely read Palestinian daily, on Wednesday. The Jordan Valley would not be part of a future Palestinian state, Palestinian sources told the paper, nor would there be an international force stationed there. And Kerry reportedly demanded that the Palestinians recognize Israel as the homeland of the Jewish people.
    The report, which received no official confirmation, added that Abbas exploded with rage over the US secretary’s proposals, and described them as “insanity.” The PA president threatened to “overturn tables” and to go back on the flexibility he had shown in order to facilitate US-led peace efforts, according to Al Quds. The paper suggested that Abbas’s subsequent invitation to meet US President Barack Obama at the White House was a form of damage control on the part of the Americans. A date has yet to be set for the visit. [...]"
- U.S. pessimistic Israeli-Palestinian framework deal can be reached by end of March, Barak Ravid (Haaretz) - "Some of Obama’s top advisers are considering a dramatic all-or-nothing move, says senior Israeli official involved in talks".

- Official said to confirm informal settlement freeze, Ilan Ben Zion (Times of Israel) - "The government has unofficially and quietly froze settlement construction outside the major blocs for the past few months in an apparent acquiescence to American pressure".

- PLO official: Abbas' successor could return to armed resistance (Ynet) - L'officiel palestinien : "If diplomatic negotiations will no bare fruit, and there will be no hope or prospect, it is possible Fatah will give up and return to its old ways".
   "A senior official within the Fatah movement warned that the next Palestinian leader might return to violent resistance should peace talks fail, Israel Radio reported. "It is not detached from reality," the official said regarding the possibility that the yet unknown political heir to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas will choose to return to an armed struggle should a peaceful solution failed to be reached. "If diplomatic negotiations will no bare fruit, and there will be no hope or prospect, it is possible Fatah will give up and return to its old ways," the senior official told Israel Radio.
    He noted that it was still too early to speak about a successor to Abbas, but stressed that the issue of appointing a deputy to the Palestinian president was a complex one, still in initial stages. He did not reject the possibility that Abbas' successor would be selected from outside Fatah's ranks and could be someone currently serving time in an Israeli prison – a possible reference to jailed PLO official Marwan Barghouti. Elections for Fatah's internal political and administrative organs are scheduled for later in the summer. [...]"

- Poll: Three quarters of Israeli Jews would accept peace deal (Times of Israel) - “The significance of this poll shows that a) Israelis indeed hold right-wing views, b) they don’t believe the Palestinians, c) they will accept a far-reaching deal based on the Arab Peace Initiative if presented properly to them and d), that they will support Bibi Netanyahu if he does make such a heroic decision”.


- Yarmouk, le camp syrien où les Palestiniens meurent de faim (L'Express.fr) - "Plus de 18 000 personnes survivent dans le camp de Yarmouk, bombardé depuis des mois et où la nourriture manque".
- Yarmouk : ces Palestiniens qui ne souffrent pas d’Israël (al-Kanz) - "Plusieurs dizaines de milliers de civils palestiniens sont affamés volontairement par les forces armées du tyran Bachar Al-Assad. Pourtant, ils ne semblent guère intéresser le monde. Pas même les musulmans".


- Why Israel No Longer Trusts Europe, Clemens Wergin (foreign editor of the German newspaper group Die Welt) - "It is striking that Europe always comes to the Israelis with demands for concessions when it has itself such a bad track record at helping resolve problems in the region"; "It is always comfortable for Europeans to demand that Israel make hard decisions for peace. But Europe must now ask itself some hard questions, too".
   "In February, the German politician Martin Schulz, the president of the European Parliament and the Social Democratic candidate for European Commission president in the coming European Union elections, traveled to Israel to address the Knesset. The idea of a German politician speaking before the Israeli Parliament is newsworthy enough. But it was what he said that caused an uproar: Mr. Schulz quoted a young Palestinian he met in the West Bank, who had asked him: “How can it be that an Israeli is allowed to use 70 liters of water a day but a Palestinian only 17?”
    Though Mr. Schulz didn’t elaborate, his implication was clear: Israel is purposely depriving Palestinians of their basic needs. But if his comments drew immediate condemnation in the Israeli press, they attracted little attention in Europe, perhaps because he was simply expressing what has come to be conventional wisdom there: Israel, many Europeans believe, is capable of almost anything in its treatment of Palestinians.
    The feelings of distrust are mutual: According to the Global Attitudes Project at the Pew Research Center, only 41 percent of Israelis had a favorable view of the European Union in 2013, down from 56 percent in 2009 (even the United States, which under President Obama has been more critical of Israel than under his predecessor, was viewed favorably by 83 percent of Israelis). Europe and Israel have hit rough spots before. But the rancor of the last few years is different — more vituperative, more widespread. If it remains, the hopes for a European role in a final peace deal will be dashed.
    European animosity toward Israel goes beyond the public. The European Union recently adopted guidelines forbidding its agencies to send money to Israeli companies and organizations in the West Bank; this and other similar steps apply a double standard it doesn’t use in other conflicts. And it seems aimed to increasingly push Israel into a corner. Israel, with its dogged commitment to expanding settlements, has brought some of that on itself. But Europe has also lost the measure of how one-sided its approach has become. European officials have a habit of aggrandizing obstacles for peace put up by Israel and minimizing those put up by the Palestinians.
    To understand Europe’s Middle East complex, one has to go back to the days when the Continent started to forge a common foreign policy. The first joint declaration in foreign affairs emerged in 1973 as a response to the Gulf states’ oil embargo against the West after the Yom Kippur War. Its aim was to appease Arab states and to lift the embargo’s pressure on European economies. The Middle East thus became the subject around which European diplomats continued to press a collective response. For decades they had no common foreign policy toward any region of the world but the Middle East.
    But instead of finding pragmatic solutions, they settled for airy joint resolutions; after having agreed on most subtle wordings, the diplomats in Brussels would fly home exhausted — until the next crisis demanded another declaration. As a result, European talk about the conflict has become terribly cliché-ridden. The “window of opportunity” is always closing fast. The “spiral of violence” is always in danger of spinning out of control. And the Palestinians are usually seen as victims reacting to Israeli measures, and not as authors of their own fate.
    To Europe, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is the root of all problems facing the region — a view in no way altered by the Arab Human Development Reports published by the United Nations since 2002, which showed that Arab autocracies and cultural backwardness were the root of the region’s woes. Even after the outbreak of the Arab revolutions revealed that indeed corruption — and lack of dignity, democracy and opportunity — were to blame for the rage of the Arab street, Europe insisted on the centrality of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
    It is striking that Europe always comes to the Israelis with demands for concessions when it has itself such a bad track record at helping resolve problems in the region. After Israel’s withdrawal from Gaza in 2005, the European Union agreed to police the Rafah crossing in order to help prevent weapons smuggling. But it essentially abandoned the mission two years later. After the 2006 Lebanon war, European nations took over large parts of the United Nations mission to prevent weapons smuggling to Hezbollah. On their watch the terrorist group acquired tens of thousands of new and more sophisticated rockets. If the Europeans were honest with themselves, they would admit that some of their long-held assumptions didn’t pass the reality test. Like the idea that Israel should always swap land for peace. It has worked with states like Egypt. But it has failed whenever ideologically driven nonstate actors were involved.
    Israel’s withdrawal from Lebanon resulted not in the disarming of Hezbollah, as many European experts had predicted, but in a heavily armed Iranian proxy sitting directly at Israel’s border. We’ve seen much the same in Gaza. Despite these discouraging experiences, every Israeli military action against radicals in Gaza or Lebanon is met with protests in Europe. Which doesn’t inspire confidence in Israeli leaders that Europe would accept Israel’s right to self-defense if a future Palestinian state in the West Bank became a similar hotbed of extremism and revisionist politics.
    It is always comfortable for Europeans to demand that Israel make hard decisions for peace. But Europe must now ask itself some hard questions, too. What guarantees could Europe offer Israel in return for a Palestinian state to protect it if the peace experiment failed and radicals took over the West Bank? Would Europe be ready to offer membership in NATO and the European Union if the Israelis asked for it? I am not sure there are any promising answers to these questions. But if all Europe has to offer Israel is criticism and disapproval, then it will be part of the problem, not the solution."


- UN commission says Israel is THE major problem in the Arab world. Yes, really (Elder of Ziyon) - "It is not surprising that when you get a bunch of Arabs who disagree about everything in a room to write a report about Arab problems, the one thing they will all agree on is to blame Israel. Privately they might think differently, but you will never find any of them to admit it publicly".

- Japan pledges $200 million in aid for Palestinians (AP) - "Japan pledged more than $200 million in aid Saturday to help the Palestinian Authority, as representatives from 22 nations reiterated their support of the Palestinians' quest for their own state. The pledge was announced by Japanese Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida at the second Conference on Cooperation among East Asian Countries for Palestinian Development, held in the Indonesian capital of Jakarta".
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