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21 juillet 2014 1 21 /07 /juillet /2014 12:00

Protective Edge

- GAZA : Manifestations monstres dans le monde entier ! (Photos) (Europalestine)

- Pourquoi Israël ne publie pas les chiffres sur les morts de Gaza ? (Times of Israel) - "La vérité est que le nombre de victimes, et le pourcentage de civils parmi les morts, provient exclusivement de sources palestiniennes. Israël ne publie sa version – qui est toujours nettement inférieure au compte palestinien – que plusieurs semaines après que les opérations se soient terminées. Pendant ce temps, l’atteinte à la réputation d’Israël est déjà faite".

- Analysis Of Gazans Killed So Far In Operation Protective Edge (Aussie Dave) - "As you can see, over 80% of Gazans killed so far have been male, with almost half of these males being in the 18-28 age group. One can imagine many of these being “combatants.” A further 20% of these males are between 29 and 48, an age group one could envisage may also contain many Hamas members. In other words, these figures bring into question how many of those killed were really innocent civilians. What these figures also indicate is if Israel was indiscriminately killing Gazans, the representation in terms of gender and age would be broader (with relatively more children killed than the approx 18%, considering nearly 50% of Gazans are under the age of 14)". Il faut voir les graphiques éclairant sur le site.

- The REAL statistics of those killed in Gaza (Elder of Ziyon) - "Of the victims that are known, nearly half are confirmed to be terrorists. This is roughly in line with what we saw during Cast Lead, a 1:1 ratio of terrorist to civilian, a ratio that is unknown in any other military operation in urban areas in history outside Israel". Pour rappel et par titre de comparaison, lors de la bataille de Fallouja en Irak, les Américains avaient détruit plusieurs dizaines de mosquées et tué 6.000 personnes dont deux tiers de civils (bien sûr à l'époque il n'y avait pas de manifestations en Europe pour dénoncer cela).

- Hamas instructs Gazans on propaganda, "Always call people 'innocent civilians'" (Elder of Ziyon) - "These instructions come with an implicit "or else" clause".

- Israel bashers, let's talk about proportion, Ben-Dror Yemini (Ynet) - "It happened in Belgrade, in central Europe, in the 1999 NATO bombings. About 500 fighters were killed, alongside a much bigger number, 1,500 according to an American general, of innocent civilians, including quite a few children. The Serbs themselves said the death toll had reached more than 5,000. There were no mass protests in European cities against NATO at the time".

- The Doctrine of Proportionality, Shoshana Bryen (Gatestone Institute) - "Proportionality in international law is not about equality of death or civilian suffering, or even about [equality of] firepower. Proportionality weighs the necessity of a military action against suffering that the action might cause to enemy civilians in the vicinity". Un bon rappel sur la véritable signification du principe de proportionnalité en droit international.

- Dead child porn: Reporters allow emotions to override facts (Elder of Ziyon) - "How can any reporter know which of the dead children were killed by Israeli fire and which were killed by Hamas RPGs? How many were killed by IDF bombers and how many from Hamas weapons caches that were detonated by those bombs? Hamas made no secret that it is booby-trapping civilian areas and attempting to lure IDF soldiers and vehicles into deadly ambushes - how many civilians were killed through Hamas' extensive efforts to kill or capture IDF soldiers? These are questions that most journalists in Gaza are ill-equipped to answer".

- Oh, by the way, Hamas' de facto headquarters is in Shifa Hospital (Elder of Ziyon) - "I had missed this in the Washington Post last week".

- Israel is fighting defensive, not offensive, war in Gaza, Ron Ben-Yishai (Ynet) - "Iron Dome's stellar performance has created the illusion that Operation Protective Edge is an offensive war. But the truth is that the ground operation that the IDF embarked upon on Thursday in the Gaza Strip is a defensive war. And even if it claims lives, it doesn't make it any less justified".

- Ron Prosor's speech at the UN Security Council (Times of Israel) - une bonne remise en contexte de la situation.

- Syrie : Le conflit a tué plus de 170.000 personnes, dont un tiers de civils (AFP) - Un petit rappel éloquent, surtout quand on se souvient de l'absence totale de manifestations massives dénonçant ce conflit : "Parmi les morts figurent 56.495 civils, dont 9.092 enfant".
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